First mission

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Wanda pov

When I woke up, I found myself on Natasha's chest, she had her hand in my hair and was playing with it, and I was staring at her.

"stop it"

"stop what?"


"I'm not starting- i - i'm just admiring my friend. Can't i do that? Natasha mumbled something and got up from the bed.

"Well, Maximoff, since I'm back from my mission, our training will continue."

"Come on!" I groaned.
"wouldn't you rather stay in bed all day?"

"Well I prefer the bed." Natasha looked at me and winked. I rolled my eyes and she giggled. Her smile was something else. It was calming and BEAUTIFUL. I had crush on Natasha since i came to compound , but i don't want to ruin what we have with that one stupid crush thing. I hope it'll pass...I was soon snapped out of my thoughts as a pillow was thrown full force into my face.

"Natasha Romanoff you are DEAD." I screamed and got up from the bed. Natasha was running like a little child as i chased her. I pinned her down to the floor with my powers, took the pillow from her and started hitting her with it. It seems that I got on Natasha's nerves, because with one of her movements, she turned us both over and now she was sitting on my stomach. She pinned my hands above my head and slowly moved towards me. god Now I just wanted to kiss her. But i couldn't.

"Put on your workout clothes and come down to the gym in ten minutes." After saying this, she got up and left the room. I sat up on the floor and tried to process what just happened. About five minutes passed and I went down to the gym. I met Natasha, Steve and Peter there.

"Did I miss something?" I said because nat and i were always working out alone.

"Nothing, Steve and Peter were about to leave. so you and I can be here alone." Natasha looked at me with a smile and looked at the boys with a look of death. I swear to god something was up.

After the training i got to my room to shower. I took about thirty minutes in there and when i walked out i saw Natasha on my bed.

"Natasha Knock!" I got scared because i was completely naked. I quickly went in back into bathroom and putted my robe on. When i came out Natasha was laughing at me and my cheeks went red.

"I'm so sorry " she said whilst laughing.

"Ugh you're so annoying Tasha!"

"That's why you love me" she said teasingly and i rolled my eyes.

"Was there anything you wanted to talk about?" I asked with curiosity.

"Oh yeah. Fury wanted to sent us on a mission."

"Wha- WHAT!" I said exactly an she giggled. This would've been the best thing ever. My first mission and with Natasha.

"Yeah. Me and you." She took a long pause and continued talking.

"It's about Hydra...." My breath hitched. Hydra was that place where people experienced on me and my brother. I hated that place and had nightmares about it. The pain ghat i felt in there was just unforgettable.

"Hey Wanda, if you don't want to come, i understand. I can ask Fury-"

"No it's okay Nat." I said with a weak smile and she stood up.

"Okay then! Maximoff your first mission and the best part is that I'm coming too." She said excitedly and i giggled at that.

"So when will we go on the mission?"



"Yeah- well i" she tried to calm me down while my anxiety took over.

"Okay, s- so today huh" i chuckled nervously and she patted my head.

"If you don't want to come to the mission, i truly can make Fury to replace you with Steve or banners."
I took a deep breath and looked at her.

"No. I'm ready and if something happens you'll be there to. I said with a smile and she smiled back.

"Okay mission is simple. We just need to go to some kind of building that belonged to Hydra and explore a bit. If we find something we will take it to Fury."

"Okay, simple yeah." I answered.

"Okay then. Maximoff get dressed and lets go.

"Wait! now?"

"The sooner we leave, the sooner we'll be back." And with that she left the room. After i got dressed i went up to her room. I was about to knock but door was slightly open so i picked in. There she was, NAKED! I quickly covered my eyes and ran to my room.

"God she was NAKED! Knock Maximoff! KNOCK!" I screamed to myself and sat on my bed. Some time passed, my door opened and Natasha walked in.

"Are you really sure about this mission?" She asked worriedly and i nodded.

"Okay then. Follow me" she said and i followed her. She leaded me to jets. She got in to one and signaled me to do the same.

"When did you learned to drive this thing?" I was impressed by her.

"There's a lot to know about me before i tell you about the jet"

"Okay then. Tell me about it after the mission."

"Deal" and with that jet flew in sky.
This was so cool! I've never experienced such a thing as this. Well i can fly with my powers but this is different.

When we got to Hydras old building Nat gave me coms to speak with her while we were exploring the place.

"Okay now the plan. If something dangerous happens-"

"I know i call you through the coms"

"Good then. I'll check this floor, you go check second one."

"Okay. See you in a minute" i said and she smiled. When I got to the second floor, I found a big strange door. I tried to open it, but I couldn't. Lines of red energy wrapped around my hands and formed red wisps. I threw my hands and my power broke the door.

"WANDA! What happened!" I heard Natasha's voice through coms.

"I opened the door."

" Oh God, I you SCARED me!" She took a beed breath and continued.
"I looked around the first floor but couldn't find anything so I come up to the second floor. End of connection."
And with that her voice was cut off.

I didn't wait for Natasha and went straight through the door. I looked around the rooms, but I still couldn't find anything. Suddenly I heard footsteps, they were slow and loud. I prepared my hands and formed balls of red energy. I looked out of the room and Natasha jumped out of nowhere. what are you doing! I almost got a heart attack, YOU CANT DO THAT TO PEOPLE!" I was so scared i almost fainted.

"Okay! calm down, I'm sorry." But i found something. She said and took my hand. She leaded me to the room and there was this big safe.

"Open it" she demanded.

"Do you think that I'm some kind of safe professional?"

"I meant your powers" oh that makes since. I went up to the safe and tried opening it and out of nowhere i heard clock noise.

"Do you hear that?" I asked nat and her eyes widened.

"Wanda lay DOWN!" She screamed and then everything went black.


Well that went well for first mission right😀

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