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No ones pov

There was a knock on the door. Yelena looked up annoyed after she heard soft banging on the door.

Y: "i don't want to talk-"

W: "Yelena it's wanda-"
After hearing that sweet innocent voice, Yelena couldn't reject it and she gave in.

Y: "you can come in crazy hands."
With that Wanda slowly opened the door and walked in the room. Yelenas eyes were red and teary and it kinda broke Wandas heart.

W: "is it okay if i sit next to you?"
She asked softly and Yelena patted the empty place on the floor. Wanda slowly smiled and closed the door. She walked towards Yelena and set down.

Y: "im sorry for the earlier-"

W: "you know it wasn't your fault right? Your family-....." Wanda sighed and Yelena chuckled.

Y: "it's something else right?"

W: "yeah exactly-" after she said that silence filled the room. But it was comforting one, no awkwardness, just comfort.

Y: "hey Wanda." That was the first time Yelena ever mentioned her name.

W: "yeah-"

Y: "i want to know more about you- i... i saw your reaction when Melina mentioned Hyd- Had-"

W: "Hydra-"

Y: "yeah....that. Im sorry if i said something wrong, i jus-"

W: "no its okay-" Wanda chuckled and Yelena relaxed a bit. Wanda had never opened up to anyone about her experience with Hydra. Not even Natasha. It was hard topic for her and Natasha understood that part.

W: " i- uh. How can i start-" Wanda let out dry chuckle and start talking.

W: "i- uh, i had a twin.... His name was Pietro-"

Y: "was?"

W: "he passed away one and ahalf year ago....we uh. We lived in Sokovia and when we were kids our house and almost everything got blown up. Our parents.... I-....
They died by the explosion." There fell the silence again in the room, but this time it was because Wandas eyes had filled with tears. She quickly wiped them away and continued talking.

W: "the bomb was made by Stark industry. One day someone find us- she was um, she was Melina.... She um- she took us to Hydra and sold us like marionettes." Wanda stopped talking and looked at Yelena. She was listening to her like a little child and had disappointed look on her face because of her mothers actions. Wanda sighed and continued talking.

W: "Hydra somehow put those powers in us, they did thousands of experiments on us, especially on me. The mind stone- it gave me this power that i still don't understand." She formed wisps in her hands and started playing with it. Yelenas eyes lit up with joy as she watched Wanda.

W: "i still can't control them sometimes but Natasha helps me with it." She smiled at the thought of natasha helping her with her panic attacks and her nightmares which was being caused because of her powers.

W: "Melina was the one who brake us out tho-"

Y: "suchka!"

W: "what-?"

Y: "oh sorry, i just don't get it, why did she sold you two if she was planning on getting you two out?"

W: "she told us that Red Room needed us but she couldn't take us there, she said that she couldn't do that again- i didn't get what she meant by that, but now-" she stopped talking and Yelena looked at her with hope in her eyes.

Y: "she regretted it didn't she-" all Wanda could do was nod. Yelena quickly embraced Wanda into a long hug, she sobbed uncontrollably and Wanda gave in too. She hugged her back and rubbed her back.

Y: "thank you so much crazy hands. I really do think that your parents and Pietro would've been proud of you."

W: "you think-" Wanda asked with difficulties as Yelena pulled away and nodded.

W: "wanna talk about Alexie?" Wanda asked and Yelena shook her head.

Y: "i feel betrayed by him. He was everything to me, everything! But see? He doesn't even cares. Only thing he cares about are his stupid glory days which no one wants to hear about it-"

A: "hey thats not true-" out of nowhere door opened and Alexie came in. Wanda quickly stood up and Yelena did the same.

W: "have you been listening to us this whole time?" She asked angrily as Alexie looked at Yelena.

A: "name was the Red Guardian!" He said childly as he got closer to them.

Y: "get out-"

A: "Yelena i just want to apologize-"
Alexie was interrupted with the bright light that filled the room. Wanda quickly formed red wisps in her hands as Alexie got closer to the window.

A: "You two- Out!" She said and out of nowhere someone shoot sleeping bullets at him. He fell and Yelena quickly rushed to him. She checked his pools and she was relieved that it was still beating.

W: "NATASHA-" Wanda whispered/yelled as she ran out the room, Yelena followed her. As the approached the kitchen, Natasha was laying on the floor.

W: "NATASHA-" Wanda almost screamed as she kneeled down but out of nowhere she got electro shocked. Widow shot knocked her out and she was out. Yelena quickly took her gun out and pointed someone who was coming out of the shadow.

M: "im so sorry-" She saw Melina and then everything went black.


Only 900 words because i didn't wanted to write the Red Room part in this chapter.

Don't we all love family reunion-

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