The Morning After (Alternate Ending)

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Since publishing my story, I've often wondered; What would have happened if Emily stayed that morning? What would have been said? How would it had gone down? Well, now we'll know... Enjoy xx

August 29th, 1988:

I woke up with light being shined directly in my eyes and soft snoring directly by my ear. An arm was slung over my chest as I laid on my back in a tangled mess of sheets. I shifted against the soft mattress and opened my eyes against the bright sunlight that broke through the half open beige hotel curtain and hit my face.

I squinted, moving my hand so it was blocking the deadly rays, and began to sit up. The room around me was unfamiliar; big, vast, and fancy - nothing that I could ever afford.

I took a peak down and realized I was completely naked, except for my panties. I rubbed my hand through my short brown hair and groaned softly, thinking about last night. Was it even real?

With one hand holding the duvet to my chest, I slowly turned my head towards the person in bed next to me. He had shifted onto his stomach with his face turned towards the nightstand. From what I could see he had nothing on either; his flawless olive back was bare with the bed sheets draped over his waist, with the rest of it knotted at his legs. Black curls fell across his face and the pillow as he slept soundly next to me.

I gulped, blinking as I looked away from his sleeping body and squeezed my eyes shut. "Oh, fuck me." I whispered in a curse, gripping the sheets to my chest. It looks like he already did, my subconscious quipped.

I looked over at the clock to see 7:54 flashing in green lights.

As slowly as I could, so I wouldn't wake anyone up, I set my feet on the soft carpet and stood up. I looked around the room for my clothes, which was not easy in the hurricane of clothing that I was met with; shoes were lost from their pairs, shirts were slung over the couch and TV, pants were thrown carelessly along the floor, and a pair of black boxers with colorful print was laying by the foot of the bed.

I bent down and looked under the bed for my bra, but to no prevail. I stood up and looked around the messy room, but seen no sign of it anywhere. Finally though I found it slung over a lamp next to the bed.

As quietly as I could, I pulled on my jeans and tip toed over to the side of the bed that he laid on; still snoring softly with curls falling over his face. I put my bra on and stared down at him for a moment, smiling. His eyelashes created a shadow over his cheek bones, and his lips curled softly at the sides. Whatever dream he was having, it was a good one. Letting out a soft breath, I gently moved a stray curl away from his face and bent down, skimming my lips across his cheek in a semblance of a goodbye.

There was no way that this man would want me to stay.

He was probably just expecting me to already have fled by the time he opened his eyes, and me being here would only gum up the works. I was doing him a favor by getting out of his hair before his, no doubt, busy day began.

Last night was... beyond words. But that was just it; last night. And by the time morning would cascade into the apartment sized hotel room, there was no way we could coexist in each other's worlds. I couldn't see me being able to, and even though I didn't know him at all, I couldn't see him wanting me to.

I was sure that he had things to do, important people to see, and an entire life to go on living as an international superstar that I would never see beyond this point; only through the television and tabloids. I was just a small distraction in a lifetime of commitments and world domination.

But damn, what a distraction it was...

As my lips brushed against his cheek, he stirred beneath the covers, shifting so he was on his back as his brown eyes slowly opened and they met mine in the dim light of the room.

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