Family DysFUNctions

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"Really though, Michael, this is a beautiful place you have here." My Mother said again as they took a seat under the patio top. "Very lovely. And you have a zoo?"

"Yes, and a cinema, and carnival rides." He nodded.

"Why would you ever have a reason to leave?" She quipped, watching him.

The entire family had spread out amongst the tables outside. My Mother and Father and Kate sat on one side as Michael sat on the other, his arm slung over the back of my chair. Liam sat in Kate's lap and Caleb sat beside me, eating his food.

"As much as I love my home - because it's my heart and soul - I still love to travel and see new places and cultures. It's amazing to be apart of such a big world and see all of the people who live differently and speak different languages. It's wonderful, and I'm very fortunate."

"And you're still going to do that?" She tilted her hear, a piece of fruit on her fork as she held it up to her lips. "Even with a family?"

"Mom," I said from across the table. "It's his job, it's what he does. Of course he's going to keep doing it." It was ridiculous to think any differently.

"It's a fair question, Emily." She took a bite of melon. "I mean everyone usually slows down once they have kids."

"You didn't." I stated simply as a fact. "You and Dad kept working and traveling when Kate and I were children."

"Only to places in the states or just off the border..." She defended, laughing. "You're acting like we left you alone and then flew to Paris."

"I'm just saying, Mom, Michael doesn't have to 'slow down' because we has a child." I argued lightly.

"Not just a child, but a family." She emphasized.

"Actually," Michael cut in as his free hand grabbed mine on my lap, "I was hoping that Emily could start travelling with me someday soon." He looked at me with hopeful eyes. "We could go anywhere she wants, and even bring Liam."

"Wouldn't that be too obvious?" My Mother asked, looking between us. "It wouldn't take much for someone to realize you're together, and then one look at Liam your whole cover would be blown."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." His thumb ran across my knuckles, and he smiled at me lightly. I was sure that thoughts of us travelling as a family swept through his mind.

"Well Richard and I never liked children with us on flights. All they'd do was cry or crawl through the isles. You couldn't relax because all you'd be doing is watching them. And not to mention constantly changing diapers if it were a baby baby." She shook her head, making a face. "Oh no, we prefer a silent plane ride, don't we dear?"

"That's true." My Father replied, taking a bite of the meat on his plate, but said nothing more.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind having to do all that stuff." Michael said quietly, shrugging. "I feel like it's my duty and privilege as a parent to watch out for them."

"Well then, I'm glad you're such a hands on Father." My Mother smiled approvingly. "I can't tell you how worried I was when my daughter told me she was going to be a single Mother." She sighed heavily. "Parenting's hard work - especially when you're doing it yourself, and I told her time and time again, 'you need someone to help you, you need someone to help you', but no, my daughter was stubborn and chose to do it by herself." She said firmly. "The biggest mistake a woman can make is to have a Fatherless child."

I gaped, staring at her. By the way she was making it sound someone would think I got pregnant on purpose and then left to have the kid on my own, when in reality there was alot of reasons why I couldn't have Michael there. Even though alot of them were due to my own stupidity and scared thoughts, there were still many other reasons why and it was low for her to even think them let alone say them.

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