Maybe You're Right

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"Kate, I promise I'll tell you as soon as I can, okay?"

"You're not in trouble, are you?" She said frantically on the other line.

"No, it's nothing like that." I tried to assure her calmly. "Just trust me."

"How can I do that when you're moving away!"

I winced, holding the phone away from me ear before putting it back.

"I mean, this is so weird, Emily! You just leave without telling me or Dan, and we're supposed to be cool with that? And to top it off, you won't even tell you where you went!" She screamed.

"I know it's weird, Kate, but I promise you that you will know soon. You'll know everything, and... maybe it won't seem as odd anymore." I bit the inside of my lips. Or maybe it'll seem even more so.

"Jesus, Emily, this is just so drastic, I mean... You moved away. You moved away from us and you won't tell me where you went. You moved Liam away from the only family he's known, and you expect me to just go along with it? Are you insane? I mean -- Seriously -- You don't even -- UGH!"

"Okay," I tried to calm her down, "Would it make you feel better if I told you a little bit about where I am?"

"Um, YES!" She shouted into my ear.

I walked down one of the concrete Neverland paths with my phone to my ear. The wind was crisp and refreshing, and above me the leaves of the oak trees fluttered.

"I'm still in California and I'm three hours way."

There was a long pause, and I was beginning to think I lost connection when she finally spoke again.

"...THREE HOURS? Emily! What are you doing three hours away? This is crazy!" She was hysteric.

I came to a patch of yard covered in green grass. Michael sat in the middle with Liam, as he held something in his hand. I was too far away to hear what they were saying, but Michael grinned and Liam threw his head back in laughter.

"Kate." I said again. "Can you just trust that we're happy and we'll see you soon?"

"But we've only ever had each other, Emily." She said quieter than before. "This is scaring me."

"You don't need to worry, Kate. I'll tell you what's going on very soon, okay? You'll be the first I'll tell." I assured her.

"Okay..." I sniffed. "Just be careful."

"Always am." I laughed gently.

We hung up and I stepped on the grass, walking over to sit by Michael and Liam.

I sat down and realized that Michael had a baby bird in his hands. My eyes widened as I looked at it. It was so small and looked very fragile.

"Momma! Look, it's a birdy!"

"Yeah, it is." I took a closer look, "How'd you find it?"

"It's Mother must've pushed it out of the nest too early, or it fell." Michael explained. "We're going to give it to the Neverland zoo staff to nurse back to health."

"I wonder what kind it is..." I leaned closer.

"I think it's a House Finch. They're very common on the property." Michael explained. "You can pet it if you want. Liam already did."

Hesitantly, I reached over to the little bird that was nestles in Michael's hands, but paused.

Michael giggled. "It's not going to bite you."

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