In 3, 2, 1...

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I winced as the woman combed through my hair, as another two did my eyes and added foundation, while another painted my nails. It was so hectic in the backstage area of the interviewing set that I felt like I was in the middle of a black Friday sale.

Michael and I had arrived early to a tall business building we would be using for the interview. And as quickly as we came in, we were just as quickly pulled into a dressing room together - something I was sure that Michael made sure of - as we were both done up, sitting on separate sides of the rooms infront of mirrors, occasionally getting a glimpse of one another through the chaos. But otherwise it was obvious we were stuck in our own worlds.

"I told you to get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep last night!" Kathy tutted when she first sat me down in the chair. "How many did you get?"

"About two." I said sheepishly.

Michael and I had stayed up for a long while, just enjoying the view and each others company. Soon time slipped away, and we didn't know the hour when we finally got into bed and rested. Not because we really wanted to, but because we knew we had to.

"Two?" She rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Oh, the perks of being young and in love."

The girls around me giggled, and I blushed a deep red. Probably the same shade of my dress...

I changed into the dress first, and then they sat me down to do my face and everything else that needed to be 'perfect'. And as they did that Kathy sat off to the side of the mirror, telling me what to do and not to do.

"Don't forcefully smile, but let it come naturally and do it often." She told me, moving her hands elegantly through the hair to emphasize her point. "You have a beautiful smile, Emily, and I want people to see it. Also, don't slouch, and don't curse." She set a hand behind my back and I straightened my posture immediately. "Do you remember what I told you about biting your lip?"

"'It's a sign of nervousness'." I recited stiffly as a woman painted my lips. "But sometimes I can't help it."

"Being nervous means your hiding something, and now is not a good time for people to think you're lying about anything." She stressed, "And when you feel nervous just take a deep breath in..." She did it with me, "... And out. See? It helps. Next; If she talks over you, just keep saying what you were going to. These journalists think they know all and see all, and if they know that they can put words in your mouth, or try to control the conversation - they will in a heartbeat. Remember; You're in control, not them. It's you the people want to hear, and having a strong demeanor is important. People will respect that. But don't be too tenacious or else you'll come off strong."

"Okay," I grumbled, trying to remember it all. "You want me to smile when needed, but don't force it. You're saying I can be nervous, but I can't do anything subconsciously to show it, and I'm definitely not supposed to let her bully me around, but at the same time I can't come off as a bitch?" I looked at her.

"Precisely." She said without hesitation.

"That's confusing."

She gave me a tight lipped smile. "Welcome to Hollywood."

They continued to make me camera ready with every technique in the book, and I sat back and let them do it. My stomach was in knots, and I couldn't eat or drink anything all morning. My nerves were getting the best of me, but I refused to let them show. I needed to be on my A game today, and that didn't include weak knees. If anything, I would ignore everything else and just focus on what was important. I wouldn't think about the millions of curious viewers sitting on their couches, ready to see me for the first time. Or the nay-sayers that thought I was only in this for money, or that it was a fake marriage.

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