What Does This Mean

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As soon as we got home I tried to act as normal as I could around Liam, offering to make him some pancakes for dinner as he went into the living room and turned on a show. Although I knew he wasn't buying it. He knew something was wrong.

All the security guys who came with us to the park - and then some - nodded at me, before disappearing into another room altogether as I sat down by Liam, looking at the TV with unseeing eyes, waiting for Michael to get home. I didn't want to think about what they were talking about somewhere in the house, but I knew it was urgent and serious and the topic had to do about what happened in the park. I could feel it in the air. And even though they tried to play it down so no one would freak out, I knew this was severe.

My head instantly turned when I heard the front door opened and voices fill the house. My head and heart was finally at ease as footsteps came down the hall and a familiar voice gave orders. And then Michael walked through the living room doorway - his security team behind him - as Liam and I stood up. Liam ran towards him as Michael lifted him up and I quickly walked to him as well, wrapping my arms around him and resting my face against his shoulder as one arm went around him.

"Oh, Thank God. I'm so happy that you're both alright." He breathed like a prayer, hugging both of us closer to him as he kissed our heads.

It was obvious by the way he was dressed that he had come here straight from something important. He even had his fedora on and ray bands tucked into his pockets.

I hugged him closer, smelling his Michael scent and that instantly calmed my nerves. He was here. Everything was alright. Everything was going to be good.

"Are you okay?" He asked both of us.

Liam nodded against his Fathers shoulder and I let out a breath, not saying anything as I kissed him chastely on the lips, just enjoying his presence. It had been a while since I had seen him. I hated that it was under these circumstances, but it was amazing none the less.

"Sir?" A voice spoke up, and I realized it was Terry's. "We'd like to brief you about the situation."

"Okay. Just wait." He said with a soft business like tone, before he spoke to us again. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded quickly, letting out a breath. "Yeah... Just a little shook up, but we're fine. He didn't touch us."

"Good." He said darkly. "He's lucky he hadn't."

"Sir?" Terry said again, and I knew this was important. 

"Liam, stay here and watch your show, okay?" Michael kissed my temple one more time before setting Liam on the couch. "Everything's fine." He assured our son. "Just stay here, okay?" He covered him with a blanket and grabbed the nearest stuffed animal he could find, putting it in his arms.

Our son nodded, watching us for a moment before looking at the television again.

"Emily," He said with relief. "I'm so glad you're alright. I'm so sorry." He hugged me to him again, his chin over my head. "If anything had happened to either of you, I would had... —." He stopped himself, nearly shaking from anger.

"I want to know what's happening." I whispered, moving back so I could look up at him.

"Mrs. Jackson... --" The head security personal began, but Michael cut him off gently.

"Fair enough." He conceited, taking my hand and we all moved to his office.

We all silently piled into the large room and stood around the desk. I stayed across from Michael, as he looked around the room at his team, his voice serious and professional as he got down to business.

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