Down Time

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I got a long chapter here for you guys! (And a surprise that I think you guys will really like!) enjoy 😊

I was silent for what felt like hours as the ringing in my ears began and my parents both looked at me from the chair, as if what they said was nothing of the consequence.

My knee began to move up and down as I bit the inside of my lip, unsure of what to say. Finally I stood up, looking at them both.

"What does that have to do with me?" I said angrily, hating that they felt the need to tell me something they could had easily kept to themselves. "You didn't have to tell me that!"

"Well we felt as though we needed to tell you... considering the circumstances..." She trailed off.

"Yeah, maybe if you guys murder people on a daily basis or are apart of some weird cult, but this... I could have gone my whole life without knowing this!" I suddenly yelled, although I was surprised my my reaction.

"Well, we just thought it would make the PR process easier for you if you knew, Emily." My Mother said with a steady voice. "This is hard for us, too."

I ignored her, looking at my Father. The mixed emotions inside me not knowing what to do with themselves.

"You shouldn't have told me." I said with a low voice. "Why did you feel like you needed to tell me? I don't know hardly anything about you guys, and I didn't want to know this." My brows furrowed.

My Father looked away as my Mother sighed heavily. "Well... Actually there's more to it."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked slowly, afraid of knowing. How much more could there be?

"Emily..." My Mother licked her lips. "You have a brother."

I wasn't sure if I heard her right, so I stepped closer, having her repeat the words.

"You have brother, Emily." She said with a sad smile. "You're Father had a son with this woman."

She said it like she was telling me our dog died or something. She wasn't crying, and she wasn't screaming, and I knew by the look on her face that she had made peace with this a long time ago, which made my blood boil. At her, at him, and at myself.

"Get out." I finally said, pointing in the other direction.

"Excuse me?" She rested a hand on her chest.

"Get out." I repeated slowly. "You've been talking for him for as long as I remember, and know it's his turn. If I'm going to have to sit here and listen to this, I want the words to come out of his mouth. Not yours. For once in my life."

She blinked, looking at me and my Father. She had never been in this position before, and she had no power over anything.

The problem with my Mom was that even in a situation like this, she still found a way to control it. But this didn't involve her - atleast not in the way she thought. And I wasn't going to sit here as she calmly explained his actions. For the first time in my life, I wanted to hear my Father speak for himself.

"B-but I --," She stuttered, blinking. Looking as though she were afraid to leave him here alone. She was his voice after all. His thoughts, and opinions were always in her head. He never got to get a word in edgewise.

"Leave, Mom." I said again, not having the patience. "Or I swear to God I'll be the one to leave."

It took her a moment to recollect herself, but finally she stood up and straightened out the skirt of her dress.

"Alright," She cleared her throat, not looking at me. "I'll be in the kitchen."

I didn't care where she went, as long as she wasn't apart of this conversation. I had lost a lot of respect for her after this, in a much different way than I had over the years, and I didn't even want to look at her. I didn't want to look at him either, but I was going to know about this one way or the other.

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