Meet the Rhodes

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Michael and I split ways as he went to go get his Father and Mother, and I went to greet mine.

I opened the front door and walked towards them, smiling some when they seen me.

It had been a little less than a year since I had seen either of them, and time did little to their appearances.

My Mother wore a simple dress and beige high-heals with her hair down, and my Father had on a pair of Khakis and a tucked in polo. They looked like the American dream, as if they had a football star as a son and a daughter who was elected class president. But that was what they always wanted - the illusion that everything was perfect in their world. Sometimes I thought that they had gone so far over the edge that they believed it themselves.

"Mom. Dad." I greeted them like I always did. As if we had seen each other just yesterday.

My Mother gave me a tight smile, tilting her head to the side as she looked at me, stopping in her tracks. My Father stopped with her. "Emily." She said simply. "We've made it."

"Where's Kate?" I looked behind them for an extra car.

She waved her hand, "She had to stop and get gas about thirty miles back. She and Dan will be here soon."

I let out a relieved breath. "Okay, great."

I could still feel my Mother's eyes on me as I turned around and saw Michael walking with Katherine and Joseph from behind the house, heading in our direction.

"Okay, you're going to meet his parents." I gave them the run down. "Mom..." I said earnestly - a tone that we hardly used with each other. "Michael means alot to me. Please be nice."

"When aren't I?" She asked, mildly affronted as they began walking towards us.

It was really happening; Michael was meeting my Mom and Dad.

"Hi," My Mother plastered a wide smile on her red lips when we all came face to face, "It's nice to finally meet the man who's stolen my daughters heart." She greeted Michael, and then looked at all three of them. "How do you do?"

"Hello, Mrs. Rhodes." Michael could hardly contain his excitement. "Mr. Rhodes." He nodded towards my Father. "It's great to finally meet you as well. Welcome to Neverland, I'm --"

"Oh, no need for that." She waved her hand, "Of course we know who you are, Dear. You'd have to be deaf and living under a rock not to know." She said matter-a-factly. "Beautiful place you have here. So secluded."

"Yeah," Michael smiled. "I love it here. It's my home. The property spans a couple hundred acres." He explained quickly. " But I'm so glad you could make it."

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world." She said delightfully. "I'm Vivian Rhodes." She shook Katherine's hand and then Josephs, and my Father followed suit. "This is Richard."

"Well it's nice to meet you." Katherine smiled, "I'm Katherine Jackson."

"Joseph." His Father said gruffly, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I've heard alot about you." Michael said, because it was respectful, but in reality I hadn't told him much at all.

"Well," She grinned. "I wish I could say the same, Michael, but I didn't know I had a son-in-law until a few days ago. This has all been rather hectic, you must understand. But I have followed your work through the years, and by the little that I do know, it seems as though you're a very selfless person."

"I love helping with charities. It's one of my passions in life." He said simply.

"Richard and I help out in charities as well, but I'm sure not to the extant that you do. You've done many great things for the world." She smiled. "Very impressive." She looked over me for a moment. "Really though, it's too bad we couldn't have known about you sooner. But I suppose my daughter had her reasons..."

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