To the North

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We had been living in Neverland for over two weeks now and Michael really had taken on the responsibility of being a Father to a 'T'. He was attentive, and fun, and caring to whatever Liam wanted. Alot of the times I told him that the gifts that he bought him were too much and I didn't want Liam to become spoiled, but Michael always had simply answered with 'I'm making up for lost time' in which I totally caved and let him do what he wanted because firstly; he had the means and the money to do it, secondly; what he said was completely true, thirdly; Michael got as much fun out of most of the toys as Liam did, and fourthly; well, he was Michael, and I had a really hard time saying no to him.

I could tell that we really were becoming stronger as a parenting unit, and little by little Liam was starting to share affection between me and his Father. He no longer only asked me if he could have or do something, he split the the questions between me and Michael. And if Michael didn't know what to answer he'd look at me. It was fine though, I had no problem helping him out with this parenting thing, and God knew I wish I had had someone to help me out when I first had Liam, thank God Kate was there, but she was dealing with a baby of her own.

But while staying in Neverland with Michael and Liam felt like a dream come true, we slowly began to realize that the bubble had to pop some time or another. Michael was in the middle of a tour, and when I found out he had already canceled two concerts, I more or less freaked out. Feeling horrible for his fans and his crew. I had felt entirely at fault although Michael assured me that entertainers did it all the time, which didn't make me feel much better. I knew that alot of those people were probably waiting months, or even a year, for those tickets, only to be disappointed that they wouldn't see him perform all the songs that made him huge. I know I would've been.

And while Michael was a good Father, and I loved waking up to him eating breakfast with Liam in the main house, I knew he had other responsibilities to the world, and sooner or later he needed to go and do his job. It sucked, and I would miss him dearly while he was gone, but it was inevitable. It was just another side to the man that I adored.

I was walking with a young girl by the name of Tiffy - who I had learned was a PA with Neverland ranch, when I heard a loud scream come from inside the house. I instantly ran inside and dropped the bags I was holding by the front door, looking for Liam. I found him in the hallway, a small pink scrape on his knee with little to no blood. I sighed thankfully, I definitely seen him have worse.

He must've been running and tripped by accident, but if there was one thing I knew from raising a little boy, they got them often. In the beginning it made my heart almost stop, but now if there was no stitches needed he walked it off in five minutes. I was actually surprised that he didn't get one sooner the way he played with Michael around Neverland.

"Are you okay?" Michael asked, bending down beside him.

He continued to cry, fat tears rolling down his face as he began to hyperventilate.

"He's really hurt, Emily." Michael said frantically, looking scared beyond belief. "I'm not sure what happened. One minute he was playing in the hall and the next I came back and he was crying with a big wound, and I'm so sorry. I don't know what to do, should I call my doctor? He's very good, and I'm sure he can work with children --"

"Michael," I smiled, bending down next to him. "He's fine. He does this all the time at home." I leaned closer in so Liam couldn't hear. "The more you freak out, the worse the kid thinks he's hurt."

He looked at me, looking alot less nervous, and nodded, letting out a relieved sigh. He stood up and backed away towards the wall, watching us.

"Liam." I said calmly, wiping the tears away from his eyes like many times before. "Liam..." I said again until he calmed down, looking at me. "You're fine, baby, it's just a scratch."

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