And I Feel Fine

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Michael left for tour again a few days later, and had been over seas for about three weeks - a week more than he was anticipating. But I understood. And while Neverland was just as empty and sad with him gone as it always was for me, I was beginning to understand why he needed to do it. Besides, it was only until November. I knew it wasn't always going to be like this, so I'd deal with it like any wife of a musician would.

Like usual when he left Michael sent me flowers with different meanings. The house was beginning to get full of them on every open counter and dresser, but it was fine because usually just as he sent a new one, an older one was ready to be replaced out. And even though there was many, each one was still as special to me as the last because they were from him.

Each time it seemed he was getting more creative with the meaning, but still always adding my favorite red Camellia. Yeah, it was difficult being away from him for so long but I knew it needed to be done.

"Mommy..." Liam sighed, coming up to me as I cut up some apples. "I wanna play." He hung onto my leg.

I set down the knife and lifted him so he was on the counter, kissing his forehead. He was always restless when Michael was away for too long. He missed not only his Father but his best friend - besides Caleb of course.

"Well then why don't you go outside?" I asked him softly, handing him an apple.

He took a bite, swallowing. "I don't want to go outside."

"What about Daddy's dancing room?" I suggested. "You can run around in there. You always loved the big mirrors."

"That's only fun when Daddy's there with me." He said sadly. "We play tag and Copy Cat."

"Copy Cat?" I smiled at him. This was news to me.

"Mmhm!" He nodded. "It's where we stand infront of the dance mirrors and I copy everything Daddy does!" He giggled, "Sometimes he does the pointing move, or the one where he looks like a 'Y' or the shoe one."

"The shoe one?" I asked, confused. It was obviously a dance move, but I didn't know which one.

"It's the one where he stands on his tippy toes!" His eyes lit up.

"Oh, okay!" I nodded, continuing chopping the apples. "The toe stand."

"Yeah." He nodded, grinning. "Daddy can do it for such a long time!"

I smiled at his enthusiasm. "I'm sure he can. What about you?"

"Not yet, but Daddy said I'm getting better." He shrugged. "I still need to practice alot."

"Do you like doing that stuff?" I asked with genuine curiosity. He was so much like his Dad that I didn't doubt he would.

"I do!" He nodded, his eyes sparkling. "How can Daddy do all of that?"

"Because he's really good." I whispered like it was a secret, kissing his nose. "He practices alot and makes up alot of dance moves. It's apart of his job. That's why he has to leave so often."

"He makes them up? Really, Mommy?" He asked with shock.

"Yep." I popped the 'p'. "It all comes from inside his head." I lightly tapped the side of Liam's temple, smiling. "He's just very talented."

"Where does he go?" He asked innocently.

"On tour." I shrugged, knowing that Michael had told him this before.

"But what does he do?"

"He goes on a big stage infront of thousands of people and he sings his songs and does dances." I explained as simply as I could.

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