New Life

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"Legal staff?" I blinked, shaking my head. A thousand different things going through my head. If this came to a court battle over Liam, I already knew who would win. But I knew in my heart of hearts that Michael wouldn't be so malicious to take him away from me. He'd never do that in a million years, and the thought was the only thing that calmed my nerves.

"Oh, no, Miss Rhodes. Nothing like that." His eyes widened, trying to comfort me. "It's nothing bad, I assure you, we just have a few things to go over with you, seeing as though you are the Mother and guardian of Liam."

I let out a breath. Okay, atleast it's nothing bad. "Alright," I conceded, my eyes straying out the window where I saw Michael and Liam walking hand-in-hand.

They stopped in the middle of the bushes as Liam brought a flower to his nose, and Michael bent down beside him, laughing as Liam picked it and offered it to Michael to smell.

I looked back at the man next to me. "I can do that."


I followed him and the other suits through Michael's immaculate home. I was amazed more and more by the house as we walked through it, my eyes glued to the paintings that hung on the walls and the different pieces of art Michael had sitting around his estate. They were beautiful. All unique and creative... just like their owner.

"Please. Ladies first, Ma'am." The man - who's name I learned to be Maxwell - held the giant wooden door for me.

I stepped through the thresh hold and was met by a long antique table in the center of the room, with chairs lining the perimeter.

Everyone took a seat around it, setting their brief cases down, taking out laptops, and getting out different papers as they set up infront of them. I knew that whatever it was that I was about to do, was a big deal.

"Please, take a seat, Miss Rhodes." He gestured with a smile, as he walked past me.

Hesitantly, I took the spot infront of Mr. Maxwell, so I was facing him. I swallowed as I looked around at everyone, clasping my hands on the table.

"Before we get started, would you like anything?" He asked kindly, taking some papers out of his briefcase. "A drink? Some food?"

"No, no." I waved. "I'm good, but thank you."

"Very well, then." He smiled, getting to down to business. "Now, Miss Rhodes..." Maxwell began.

"Emily." I corrected with a dry throat.

"Emily." He conceded, looking at the papers in his hands. "I'd like to start out with asking about Liam."

"Okay..." I said quietly. That was why we were here.

"Just a few basic questions. I can assure you nothing too out of the ordinary." He assured me. "Was your son born with any birth defects?"

"No," I shook my head. "He was born perfectly healthy. A little earlier than we originally thought, but he turned out perfect."

"Why was he born early?"

I cleared my throat. "My water broke a week before it was planned, and he kept flipping in my stomach. The doctors decided for me to have a cesarean in case he came out the wrong way or the umbilical chord was wrapped around his neck."

"But he came out fine? No complications?"

"No, he was perfectly normal."

"Okay," He nodded in acceptance, writing something down on his papers. "And what about after his physical health?"

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