Meet the Jacksons

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"You really have no clue what you just walked into." I said weakly, as I put on a decent shirt.

"I'm meeting your family." He said gently, kissing behind my ear. "What's there to know?"

I watched him in the mirror. "We're dysfunctional."

I put my hair up and he motioned for me to give him my necklace so he could put it on. "What family isn't? I'm excited to finally meet them." He grinned with the joy of a child.

"My Dad barley talks, and my Mom and I fight alot. We don't like each other. You're going to think we're nuts."

"Well if it's anything like me and Joseph, then I already know exactly what you're talking about." He kissed the back of my neck. "Now stop worrying."

I smiled at him softly, pulling his arms around me as I leaned back against him. "I'm not worried. I'm just dreading the fact that my Mother will be here today." I sighed, not wanting her to step foot in the wonderful place that was Neverland. It was sad to say but she had always reminded me of a Disney villain; It was like Hook was coming to town.

"It could turn out great." He smiled.

But instead of answering, I decided to point out the obvious, changing the subject.. "God, you're handsome."

He chuckled, resting his chin on my shoulder. "Are you nervous about meeting Joseph?"

I shrugged. "I know he can't hurt me. Are you nervous about me meeting him?"

"I'm nervous that he's going to say something rude and I'll have to kick him out." He said truthfully into my ear. "I could see Joseph doing that."

"You call him by his first name alot." I realized. "Why is that?"

He shrugged, watching me. "He didn't like us calling him anything else when we were in the Jackson 5. I guess it kind of stuck with me."

I nodded slowly. If it were a different world, or if I had even asked, I could actually see my Mom wanting me to call her by her first name. Vivian Rhodes.

"It's not too late to back out." I leaned against him, looking at his band around his finger. "I could tell them the party's off, or that you had to leave town unexpectedly." I offered, although I knew he wouldn't go for that.

"That's lying." He gave me a wary look, and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you always have to be the voice of reason in this relationship?" I smiled. "Let me do it for once."

"I would, but I'd be afraid of what you'd do." He chuckled in my ear.

"Oh, surly I'd use it for good, not evil." I laughed once, the nausea in my stomach subsiding as I left his arms to get my ring.

I picked it up from his dresser and slipped it on my left hand, looking at the small treasure with a smile. It really was beautiful... A token of love and faithfulness, and surly something even my Mother would approve of.

"Listen," I turned around, looking over at him as he sat on his bed. "I'm sorry I've been antsy lately. It's just that I know how my Mom is, and we haven't seen each other in a while. But I'm going to be on my best behavior because I know how important today is to you, and I know how long you've been waiting to meet my family."

"I know you've been scared, Emily." He said gently. "I know this because I know you and you'd been on edge ever since we planned this. And I'll admit it did throw me off because usually you're the brave one between us." Wrong, but I let him continue. "But I know how parents and family members can be... But let's just have fun today. I'm not saying we need to do this every month or anything, but for today, let's have a good time. It's about you, me, and blessing. Don't let anyone ruin this for us, okay?"

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