An Affair to Remember

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Michael wasn't thrilled about my decision to go to my parents house, especially at the moment. And neither was his security detail. Of course they couldn't had been more vocal than him about the situation, but I knew they were just as annoyed at my parents as Michael was. Which I didn't blame him, I was angry too that they'd choose such a crazy time in my life to invite me over after years of being estranged, but they said it was important so I decided to go for atleast a day just to see what was happening.

"I don't want you going! This is too dangerous, Emily." Michael stressed as we stood in our bedroom. "Whatever it is, they can deal with it on their own. It's selfish of them to drag you out there when so much is going on here at home."

I pulled a shirt over my head and stared sadly at him in the mirror. "I know." I said, just as aggravated as he was. "But you don't know my Dad - I hardly know my Dad, and he sounded different on the phone yesterday. His voice was just... off. And whatever it is that they want to tell me must be pretty big."

"Do you think he's sick?" He asked with seriousness.

"No." I thought for a moment. "I don't think so... It was more like he had a different personality altogether. I don't know, I've never heard him sound like that before... And then for them to say that I need to come back home made it all the more surprising. I don't know what's going on, but I don't like it either, Michael."

"Well then prove it." He walked closer, crossing his arms. "Stay in Neverland for a little while longer and wait until everything cools down a little more until you go out. It's the only sane thing to do."

"I've already been holding this off for a day, baby." I said softly. "When we both know I could had easily left after I got the call." I turned around, leaning against the dresser. "I'll take all the precautions necessary, and I won't do anything that will cause attention. I'll go to my parents house, see what's happening, and then head back home." I promised, wanting to do nothing more.

"I still don't like this." He shook his head. "It's dangerous! You shouldn't be going out there by yourself, let alone with out me."

"I know." I agreed whole heartedly, I didn't want to do this either, but I had to. It was annoying, and not the best timing, but since when did my parents wait for a convenient time to do things? With them is was always the hard way. "But you're going to be in meetings all day with lawyers, and mangers, and music industry people discussing what to do with your tour." I pointed out. "Now that the shit has kind of hit the fan you'll have some major stuff to figure out."

"I know." He sighed heavily. "And I hate that it's happening like that, but I still don't like you going away without me."

"Well I'll have security with me the whole time, and they'll be littered around the house and in the streets. I'll be as safe as humanly possible." I stated, biting the inside of my lip.

Michael still looked impossibly annoyed as he leaned against one of the posts by the bed, shaking his head. Michael wasn't the type of person to argue unnecessarily, but when he did you knew it was for a good reason. He was vocal when he was met with something that he didn't like - whether that was with his music or his family and friends. Especially with me, and I completely understood why he didn't want me going anywhere. I was on the same boat.

After a moment of silence, I walked closer to him, taking his hands in mine. "I don't want to do this either." I told him gently. "Even if none of this other stuff was going on in our personal lives, and they asked me to come over, I'd have my reservations. I don't want to go, but what if my Dad really is sick and I decide not to see him? I don't know my Dad that well, and if something like that were to happen I'd feel horrible that I didn't atleast see him..."

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