Follow My Lead

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The party had gone on until later that night. When the light went below the horizon, Dan started a bonfire and we all sat around it, including my Mother and Father.

I sat next to Michael and enjoyed the rest of the evening, but my mind couldn't help but stray to my parents... and neither could my eyes. She sat next to him, their hands entwined between the two chairs, as they listened to the conversations around them, every once in a while laughing aloud. They looked so different than what she had told me, but maybe they were just good at acting. It was ironic, this was the happiest and most relaxed that I had ever seen them.

Soon I stopped looking altogether, and enjoyed the rest of the night. That was their business and I wasn't going to put forth anymore of my energy towards them. I needed to let it go so that's exactly what I did. I stopped focusing on them altogether and put everything in the past... And I felt good. Happy even. Soon it was like she had said nothing at all.

Most of Michael's siblings left but a few stayed the night. Michael had insisted that my family stayed as well, so when it was time to go in he showed them the guest rooms and then we left them to go to bed.

Liam had fallen asleep on my lap during the bonfire - tuckered out from a long day with his new cousins - and Michael carried him upstairs to his room. I walked with him as he set Liam on his bed, tucking him in tight and setting Toto in his arms before we turned his nightlight on and cracked the door.

I was quiet as we walked to the master bedroom, my hand in his and my cheek against his arm until he opened the door and we got inside. He shut the door and began unbuttoning his shirt, but I stopped him mid way.

"Can I do that?" I asked with a sleepy smile, not being able to resist.

He smiled softly, lowering his hands. "You do it better anyways."

We were both quiet as I undid his shirt and cuff links and untucked his under shirt from his black pants, copping a feel here and there which I knew he noticed, but I didn't care and neither did he. I'd freely grope my husband anyday.

When I was done I slipped away and went into the walk in closest. Michael had way more accessories, shoes, shirts, and pants than I did, but it was understandable why. He even had a belt buckle collection from all of his Bad tour outfits and music videos he had done. Plus, I knew he just liked clothes in general.

I slipped on one of his white shirts that sat in the dresser drawer and walked out. I didn't have anything particular on my mind as I quietly removed the throw pillows from the bed.

"Are you okay?" Michael suddenly asked amidst the silence.

I looked up, my eyelids feeling heavy as I stared at him standing on the other side of the bed.

"Yeah, I am." I assured him truthfully, "I'm just tired."

"You've been quiet for a long time." He pointed out.

We both stood facing each other. "I'm sorry. I didn't notice..." I began moving the throw pillows.

He did the same on his side and it was silent for a moment.

"Do you regret inviting them?" He suddenly asked, "I shouldn't have pushed you. I just didn't realize how bad it really is. This was a mistake, I'm so sorry --"

"No, Michael." I said softly, stopping what I was doing. "Even though my Mom and me don't see eye to eye... I'm glad you pushed me to invite them. I needed to do that. We're on a little more even ground now. I'm thankful you had me call her, because without you I wouldn't have done it in a million years and we wouldn't have had gotten to chance to talk some things out." I shrugged.

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