Old Feelings

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"Well will you atleast tell me where you're going?" Kate asked persistently, as I did my mascara in the mirror.

I paused with the eyelash brush inches away, "I can't." I said apologetically.

"Why not?" She almost whined, reminding me of Liam.

I spun around in my chair. "Because... because I just can't, Kate. I'm sorry." I faced my mirror once more.

"It's been a week and you haven't told me anything about this mystery guy. I'm beginning to think you made him up just to get me off your back." She mumbled, laying on my bed with her feet in the air.

"Oh, trust me," I put the brush back into the bottle. "He's real alright."

"He's not involved in the mob or anything, is he?" She looked up with a raised eyebrow.

I laughed once. "No, Kate. He's not."

"Does he have some sort of deformity or something?" She suddenly sat up, reminding me of a dog who heard a noise. "He's not married, is he?"

I turned around, gaping at my sister. "No, he's not married, Kate! Good Lord, will you give me some credit?" I turned towards the mirror again, applying blush. "And I can assure you, everything 's in the places they should be." I remember that well.

"Well you haven't given me much to work with, Emily." She sat up on my duvet. "You won't tell me how you met, you won't tell me his name, you won't tell me his job. I've got nothing! You told me I was entitled to the truth!"

"You are," I grinned in the mirror, watching her. "... that doesn't mean I can give it to you." She made a face and stuck her tongue out, and I did the same back. Although I knew this secrecy really was hurting her, which I regretted deeply.

"Well," She sighed, trying again. "Is he atleast cute?"

I couldn't help the wide grin that spread across my face, and I nodded like a love sick school girl. "Very."

"Oh, really?" This got her attention. "Tell me what he looks like!"

"Well..." I thought for a moment. How did one explain Michael Jackson? "He has warm brown eyes, and pitch black hair, and a smile that could make hell have a snow day." I bit my lip, thinking about him.

"He does sound cute." She nodded approvingly.

"He is." I assured her, bringing the brush to my face.

It was then Liam waltzed in, climbing on lap and leaning against my chest as he watched me do my make up in the mirror.

"Who's cute?" He asked curiously.

I stopped what I was doing and kissed his head, "You are, baby." I smiled.

I gave Kate a look in the mirror. "Maybe we shouldn't talk about my d-a-t-e in front of the c-h-i-l-d."

She nodded, giving me the 'Okay' sign.

"Can I do that?" He asked quietly, watching me.

I picked him up and set him on my dresser drawer, handing him my make up brush. There was barely anymore powder on it anyways.

"Thank you." I smiled up at him, holding his free hand. "You're very good at this."

"I know, Mama." He murmured, a crease formed in between his eyebrows as he concentrated on the task at hand. "I'm done!" He suddenly smiled, satisfied with his work.

I set him back on my lap and put my arm over his stomach as I rested my chin on his small shoulder. "Which lipstick should I pick, Bliss?"

His lips pursed as he looked at each colorful tube, finally settling on the bright red one.

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