Sweet Caroline

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I gave Kate the option as to whether or not she wanted to tag along to meet the woman that our Father had had an affair with, and to ask her permission if I could adopt her son.

But in the end, she decided to stay back and make sure everything was running smoothly with the wedding. Not to say that it wasn't tempting, and perhaps she would had come along if it were under different circumstances - but as of right now, I think she felt like it was disrespectful, and I didn't blame her one bit.

I had my own reservations about meeting my Fathers mistress - mostly because I hadn't thought much about it. I just assumed that our paths would never cross, but of course life had different plans.

As soon as I told Michael about what was happening he was all for it. He backed me one hundred percent without a second thought and encouraged me to go forward with everything pertaining to Henry. He told me to do what I needed to do and for that I was thankful.

He also began calling up his lawyers to start the documentation we'd need in order to begin the adoption process — if Caroline were to agree. I had no clue what we needed or how long it would take to become legal, but thankfully Michael's team knew exactly who to call.

They weren't going to be there to intimidate Caroline - that was actually far from it. They were just going to be there to make everything was as painless and as easy as it could be if she granted me legal responsibilities for Henry. Which I would beg and plead for if needed.

My Mother called only once more to give me all the information I needed on Caroline's where-a-bouts. It wasn't a surprise that I was coming - and I even asked Valerie to let her know that she should be expecting someone soon. But the closer we got to LA the more nervous I began to get. I think the driver could sense it because he kept giving me encouraging looks in the rear view mirror, which I appreciated a lot.

In retrospect I was on my way to meet a dying stranger to ask her for her permission to care for her most important asset once she passed on. I wasn't sure what to expect really, and as hard as I tried to put myself in her position I couldn't begin to imagine what it would be like. To know you're dying and leaving your child behind... The thought was unbearable.

We arrived to UCLA and I got out of the vehicle at the front doors. Pulling my hair back into a pony and putting large sunglasses over my face, I walked in and went directly to the front desk.

"I'm looking for Caroline Holcomb? Room 303." I said as quietly as I could.

"Of course." The receptionist smiled. "I can lead you there. Right this way."

I kept my head down as we walked passed patients and doctors, and didn't dare say a thing as we got into one of the massive elevators.

Once we got to the floor where we belonged I spotted my Mother waiting outside the room. My brows furrowed as I thanked woman who lead me there and marched towards my Mother.

"What are you doing?" I took off my glasses.

"I wanted to see my daughter." She looked tired and worn out. "Isn't that reason enough?"

"No." I shook my head. "You shouldn't be here."

"I know..." she bit her brightly colored red bottom lip. "But I couldn't help it. I've... missed you."

"I don't have time for this." I brushed her off quietly. "I'm here to see Caroline, not you."

"I understand." She said softly.

I nodded once, not making much eye contact with her before walking towards Caroline's door.

"Thank you for this." My Mother quickly said before I could disappear inside.

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