And You Are?

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"Fantastic." Kathy said as she let out a breath, crossing her legs under her long skirt and pressing the tip of her pencil to her notebook. "Okay. Where to start... Since we're on the subject, let's talk about your family, shall we?" She looked up, pursing her lips.

I just nodded, relaxing into the cushion as much as I could.

"How involved is your family with you and Liam?" She began, watching me.

"Well, my older sister Kate and her husband Dan has been there since I found out I was pregnant. They supported me, and babysat, and did everything a good Aunt and Uncle would do. They were basically our only family... Oh, and they have a son named Caleb. Liam is best friends with him." I added quietly, biting the inside of my lip.

"That's their biological son?" She asked, her tone all business.

"Yes." I nodded.

"What do they do for a living?"

"Dan works odd jobs like carpentry and roofing, and Kate works at a magazine company."

This piqued her interest and she looked up, her eyes wide. "Does she?"

I rolled my eyes. "She edits the columns for a fashion magazine. It's not Enquire or anything like that. They don't even deal with gossip."

She let out a relieved breath. "Good, good... Anything we need to know about them?"

"No." I shook my head. "They're good people. They're on my side."

She opened her mouth, starting to say something, probably along the lines of 'Never trust that anybody is on your side' but I cut her off.

"If you're going know every intricate detail of my life, you need to understand that if there is anyone I can trust outside of Michael, it's Kate and Dan. I can trust them with my life, I can trust them with Liam's life. It's completely out of the question to think for one minute that they're untrustworthy. If you want to know me, then that's the first thing you need to learn. My sister and her husband are on the good side of things." I said point-blank.

"Okay." She nodded, looking impressed. "Good... I'll take your word for it, Emily."

"Thankyou." I said quietly before she moved on.

"Now, about your parents... Richard and Vivian is it...?"

"Yes." I nodded once, swallowing.

"...How were they as parents?" She eyed me.

"You don't need to answer that right now, if you don't want to." Michael said from beside me, setting his hand on my leg as his other went over my hand, squeezing gently.

"It's fine." I gave him a small smile before turning towards her. "My parents weren't the most conventional pair, but Kate and I always had clothes on our backs and food on the table."

"And what do you mean by 'not the most conventional'?" She squinted through her half-moon glasses.

"They were just very distant, I guess. We never did family vacations, we never really talked much, they never really told me anything about their families or childhoods growing up... They were just very... distant." I whisper the last word.

"So, I'm guessing no Full House moments?" She tilted her head.

I laughed a little, despite everything. "No, I guess not."

"Were they ever abusive? Physically or emotionally?" She asked gently.

I felt Michael's posture stiffen from beside me, and I knew he was thinking about his Father.

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