Will You be There?

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I could physically see when my words hit him, but he kept quiet, still looking at the photo thoroughly. "Yeah... I recognize it well." His voice broke.

Moments passed, and then minutes, until I couldn't take the silence much longer.

"Please say something." I begged quietly from the other end of the table.

He looked up finally, blinking. As if he forgot where he even was. He quickly wiped a finger just below his eye, and looked over at me.

"Liam's...?" He asked tentatively, not being able to get all the words out.

"Yes." I nodded with a smile. I wasn't able to keep my tears at bay either.

"I need you to say it." He requested softly. "I need to hear it from you."

I nodded slowly, taking a deep breathe. "Michael..." I swallowed. "You're a Father." I said surly. "And Liam's your son."

"My son..." He whispered, sniffling as he looked at the photo again. "I have a son..." He said to himself, a small sob breaking through him. "Oh my God... He's... He's beautiful. So beautiful..." He wiped away another tear. "I have a baby boy..."

I sat and watched him — letting him have his time to absorbed everything. His eyes never left the photo, and even though he was quiet I knew the inside of his head was a jungle of questions and thoughts. He stared down at the photograph, sometimes opening his mouth as if he was going to say something, and then closing it again. I would give him as much time as he needed and then answer all the questions that he had.

I didn't take my eyes off of him, as he memorized every thing in the little snapshot, not having an idea of what he was thinking. I could breath for the first time in a long time, while Michael looked like he was having a hard time catching his. Momentarily, I wondered if it was the same feeling I got when I realized I was having Liam. I was scared, and happy, and shocked to the core... I hoped to God he was happy. But if he were to walk out of the coffee shop, never to talk to me again, I'd understand. I'd be heartbroken, but I'd deserve it.

All of the 'what ifs' that plagued me for the last five years went out the window, and all I could focus on was Michael as he was introduced to his child for the first time. I could deal with the repercussions later, the only thing that mattered was right now. All of the things that would be effected by this could wait.

When he finally spoke again it had felt like hours, when in reality it was about 30 minutes. 30 minutes of complete silence as he tried to process everything. As he realized that everything he had ever thought to be true was wrong. His life was changed - whether he liked it or not. Because that's what children did. They changed you.

"I have a son..." He said again, as if trying to believe it, wiping under his eyes as he grinned down in awe. "Oh my God, I have a son..." his voice broke.

Finally, he sat back, the picture still in his shaking hands as he looked up. "He has your green eyes." He said in wonder, his voice wavering.

I smiled softly, "He has your everything else." I said truthfully.

His eyes widened at my words, as a small proud smile spread across his trembling lips.

I couldn't believe that it was finally out in the open. The secret was no longer a secret anymore... and Michael seemed happy. A little shook to the core, but happy none the less.

"How old is he?" His voice was strained.

"Five." I watched him carefully. "Almost six."

"When's his birthday?" He searched my eyes.

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