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It was Kate's week to take Henry, so the house seemed a little more empty than it usually did.

Within the past few months of him being here Kate and I would trade him on and off every now again, so he'd live here most of the time, and then at Kate and Dans for a few days. I thought it was good for him to have two houses to go to. And I knew that they loved having him as much as Michael and I did. Henry was still adjusting but it seemed like each week there would be a little more progress. I didn't know if he would ever be the same little boy that his Mom knew, but he was healing in his own time at his own pace and I proud of him.

Although, that wasn't to say I didn't mind the one on one time that gave me with Liam when both Michael and Henry were away. It was crazy to think that at one point in our lives - what felt like life times ago - we were the only ones each other had. Now it was a blessing to get even a few hours together.

"I'm gonna find you, Mom!" He yelled through the house.

I snickered from my hiding spot behind the couch, covering my mouth with my hand.

"I heard you!" He sang, which made me laugh even harder.

A few moments passed and I heard his footsteps come closer, finally stopping in the same room I was in.

"Gotcha!" He yelled, pulling the blanket off from over my head. "I found you, Mom!"

"Darn!" I said with fake disappointment. "You're getting way too good at this game."

"I am?" He said excitedly. "Really?"

"You're better than Daddy." I nodded, "But don't tell him I said that."

He laughed loudly, "I won't. My turn!"

"Okay, I'll count to ten." I covered my eyes. "Ready?"

"Ready!" He said before running off, his feet hitting the floor as he quickly tried to find a place to hide.

"One... two... three..." I counted slowly. "Four..."

The front door opened up, and a familiar voice rang through out the house. Of course Neverland was always home, but one thing had always been the same from the first time I moved in: It wasn't entirely complete until Michael was here.

We still had some underlying issues to go over, but he had been gone almost three weeks at this point and I missed him beyond words. And seeing him... well, that would always be the cherry on top of any day.

No matter what was going on, or what life stopping event was happening in our lives that week, seeing Michael would always make my cheeks flush and my heart flutter like a teenager. He would always make me feel like I couldn't breath.

He stopped what he was doing and a bright smile lit up his face as soon as he seen me. I'm sure it matched the one on mine.

"You're home." I said stupidly.

"I'll always come home to you." He smirked.

I couldn't help it anymore. I squealed, running full sprint towards him and throwing my arms around his neck. Melting into him and closing my eyes.

His arms came around me in a strong and warm embrace, as he burried his nose in my hair, letting out a deep breath.

"Em..." he breathed. "I missed you so much."

I hugged him tighter, drinking in everything. His smell, his warmth, the feel of him so close to me. It was reviving.

"I think we have to talk." He said softly, referring to the small spat her had just a few days ago.

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