Live from Madrid

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It was my first time seeing him as the King Of Pop in full swing. I had gotten tastes of it, but nothing like this. As soon as we landed from our 13 hour flight, his fans greeted us on the tarmac. All of them with signs and T-shirts as they yelled, screaming with tears going down their faces.

"See all the people, Blessing?" Michael asked excitedly as he and Liam looked out the same window.

"Wow!" Liam gaped, basically jumping up and down on the couh. "There's so many, Daddy!"

I was still reeling and shook up from the Neverland Ranch break in. For someone to be able to sneak in and come into our home was... nerve-wracking. And what if we had been there? His intentions were still unclear, but the thought made me physically ill. Whoever it was had to have been a professional, or - a thought clicked into my mind - knew the ins and outs of security really well... I pushed that out of my head.

Honestly, while it was a big deal and I couldn't stop thinking about it, there was something else that was eating away at me as well. Something that I refused to share with Michael because it would just cause unwanted worry on his part; with all he drama that had happened in the beginning of our relationship, I had hoped that it was the first and last of our troubles. I hoped that we had gotten it all out of the way. It had been going really well for the past months, and I had hoped with everything in me that everything bad was behind us. But with this happening, I felt like it was the beginning of a new set of troubles... and that scared me. What if we never got to a comfortable point in our lives without fearing the worst? It didn't sit well, and while I could never picture myself leaving him, I couldn't help but imagine an entire life wracked with drama and the unknown. I wanted a life with Michael, and whatever life threw at us we'd deal with it together, but I just hoped for the sake of Liam and our marriage it wouldn't come to that.

But whoever the mystery man had been, I had full trust in Michael's team that they would find him and figure out how they did it. All we had to do now was wait. Which was something we both excelled at.

After dodging screaming fans and stopping a few times so Michael could say hello, we finally made it into the Gran' Melia Felix. It was as beautiful on the inside as it was on the out, as I gazed up at the high ceilings and the vivid paintings that were hung in various spots on the walls. It was breath taking, and Michael definitely noticed my gawking.

"Do you like it?" He asked softly in my ear from behind me.

"It's breathtaking." I breathed, looking around. The surgical mask that I had borrowed from Michael still in place.

"We'll come back." He said without an once of doubt. "When it's not business related, and I can show you and Liam the city. We'll do a family vacation."

I smiled back at him, all my worries from earlier washing away. He just had that type of effect.

"That sounds perfect."

After checking into the suite, we made our way up the elevator and into our conjoined rooms. One for me and Michael, and the other one for Liam. It had been a long flight, and we were all tired.

As Michael went to set a tuckered out Liam on the bed, I opened the curtains to reveal a sight that was beyond anything that I had ever seen in the states. Cars bustled down the street below, as people scurried down the sidewalk. The buildings around us had gargoyles with thick pillars, and the sky met the horizon with a thin sliver of gold. I hadn't been out of the states before, but for Michael this was his daily life. Of course he still appreciated it as though it were his first time, but sometimes it still took me off guard when an opportunity like this happened and I realized just how much of a contrast our lives really were.

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