Mama Jackson

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"Well, I don't care if he's in a meeting. He's my son, and he should have had the decency to call me this week." I heard her say as she got closer to the door. "Now is he in here?"

There was more commotion and footsteps outside, when the door suddenly opened.

I moved away from Michael like a teenager who had just been caught with her boyfriend after lights out, and nervously bit the inside of my lip.

Michael, though, didn't let me get too far. He grabbed my hand and held it firmly between us, trying to tell me that there was nothing to be afraid of.

This thing between us came so fast and so hard that neither of us had met the others parents. And while the relationship was still fairly new, we were at a point where it seemed like we should have - considering we had a child and I was as good as moved in. But everything went so fast that it hadn't really crossed my mind - or atleast seemed kind of impossible. So much so that I had blocked that part all together. Yet here I was - only moments ago wrapped in her sons arms - and funnily enough, I suddenly I felt like such a hussy.

"Michael!" She said like only a Mother would, walking towards him with her arms extended.

"Hi, Mom!" He said just as excited, having no choice but to let go of my hand to wrap his arms around Katherine.

"I missed you!" She chastised, rubbing his back. "You need to eat more, baby boy, you're too skinny!"

He chuckled as they parted, rubbing the back of his neck. "Mom, you say that every time you come here."

"Well every time it's true." She countered, looking at me.

I stiffened under the small shift in focus, and stayed silent, trying my best to smile normally out of my nervousness.

"And who's this?" She smiled, tilting her head. "This must be the girl that you've told me so much about! She's beautiful!" Katherine grinned.

My cheeks warmed, and I finally smiled. "Thank you." I giggled.

"Now come on," She opened her arms. "We're huggers in this family." She joked, bringing me in.

I returned the hug, feeling a sense of comfortability. I had never before experienced this in a family - the closeness - and I was surprised it was towards a complete stranger such as myself. My family was definitely not like this, so I had grown up isolated in that sense. To this day my Mother still only smiled kindly and only asked for us to take our shoes off when Kate and I visited.

"It's nice to meet you, Emily." She pulled away, holding me at shoulder length. "You are very pretty. Very pretty. Michael's descriptions didn't do you any justice." She complimented.

Michael laughed from the side of us. "I tried my best... Besides, I doubt any description could. Mom, you're probably embarrassing her."

She tsked, waving a hand through the air. "It's not everyday that I meet a girlfriend of yours, Michael, so just give me this." She grinned, squeezing my shoulder before letting me go.

"Thankyou, Mrs. Jackson." I giggled, surprised at a lot of things.

"Oh, Mrs. Jackson was Joseph's Mother." She waved her hand again, giving Michael her purse to set off to the side. "Horrible woman. You know she wore black to our wedding? Anyways, call me Katherine or Kate."

"That's actually my sisters name." I realized.

"Well that just means your parents have good taste." She winked, which made me laugh.

"Should we move this into the living room?" Michael suggested.

"You mean if we can find one in this maze you call a home." She teased, looking at him lovingly. "But yes, that would be perfect."

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