Part 2

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"Come on, baby! You're gonna be late!" I yelled up the stairs as the toaster popped. I grabbed the two pieces of bread and immediately tossed them on a plate chanting 'hot hot hot' as they burned my finger tips.

I got the butter out of the fridge and a knife from the drawer, as I began smearing on a thin layer.

"Liam Alexander!" I hollared through the house. "Get your butt down here, Little man! And get Caleb too!"

"I'm coming!" He yelled back as he plowed down the stairs and through the living room.

"Hey." I caught the hood of his jacket, making him back up so he was infront of me. "Where's my morning kiss?"

He smiled, trying hard to look annoyed but failing miserably. "Right here."

He leaned up and I bent down, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "Goodmorning, Bliss."

"Hi, Momma." He smiled up at me.

"Is Caleb ready too?"

His tiny nose scrunched up. "I don't know."

"Well go get him or else you're gonna be late." I motioned up the stairs. "Go."

"Oh my God! Bacon! You're a goddess, Em!" Kate said as soon as she walked in, her bare feet padding against her linoleum floors. She took a piece from the pile I had on the counter, sitting on the table as she munched away, and I continued to flip the sausage.

"Where are the boys?" She asked, flipping through a magazine.

I turned down the heat of the stove top, wiping my forehead. "Liam just came barreling down, but I sent him back up to get Caleb."

"You do realize they're just going to get distracted by legos, right?" She giggled, raising a perfect eyebrow. "They're like shorter versions of us. Nothing ever gets done."

I smiled, shaking my head as I continued cooking.

She was silent for a moment. I assumed she was still flipping through her magazine, when she spoke. "You look good, Em." She said sincerely, in only the way a big sister could. "How've you been after everything?"

I sighed, turning off the heat and I put the rest of the food on a plate.

"I miss him." I said quickly. "I know I sound like a broken record, but I really miss him. Neverland just isn't a home without him."

"You'll move on." She said surly. "And you'll make memories with someone else."

"I don't want memories with anyone else!" I gaped, "I want him back!"

"Emily... You can't. He's gone." She said softly. "I know it can be hard at first, but you need to stay strong. For Liam. If he sees you like this, Lord knows what he'll think."

"You think I haven't thought of that?" I shook my head. "I make sure that Liam never sees me like this. It was hard enough for him when he found out."

"Honestly, Em... I think you're being a little over dramatic." She tried to say calmly.

I shot her a look, pursing my lips. "Well that's easy for you to say, Kate. You weren't the one waking up with him every morning. Or sharing a home with him. You weren't the one who saw him almost everyday, or the one who went to him when you were feeling sad. You just don't get it."

"I understand what it's like losing someone close to you, I just don't get why you're making such a big deal out of it! He didn't love you the way you loved him!"

"Bite your tongue!" I gasped. "He had more love for me in his little toe than you have for me in your whole body!"

She gave me an exasperated look. "Just move on already, Em. I think it's time."

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