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1 year later...

"Michael..." I whispered, shaking my husband. "Michael." I tried again.

"What?" He sat up groggily. "What's the matter? Is it Liam? Is everything alright?"

"I think I heard something downstairs." I looked towards our bedroom door. "Can you check?"

He rubbed his eyes, smiling sleepily. "Is this like all the other times you've 'heard' something'?"

"No." I denied. "This time I actually did!"

Since moving to Switzerland I was a little embarrassed to say that I had woken him up more times than I could count on both hands because of strange noises that turned out to be nothing at all. The house that we lived in was in the country, and older than the hills, and even while we still had our herd of security around I still got nervous. The Neverland break in - as long ago as it seemed - had gotten to me more than I had originally known, and my poor husband had to suffer the consequences of my paranoia. He hadn't complained, but I still felt bad afterwards when we eventually realized it was nothing.

There was a muffled thud that sounded below us and I jumped, grabbing on to Michael's arm.

"See!" I panicked in a hushed voice. "Did you hear that?"

"Yeah, I did." He yawned, standing up. "I'll go check it out."

"Wait!" I whispered. "Take something to protect yourself!"

He turned around, smiling as he rolled his eyes. "I'm sure it's nothing. I'll be alright."

"Take the flashlight." I dug into our night stand, handing one to him.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" He weighed it in his hand. "Blind them to death?" He chuckled.

"It's heavy enough to throw at him." I said with all seriousness.

He laughed, shaking his head. "You're crazy."

Another noise occurred and I jumped out of bed, standing close to my husband. "I'm coming with."

"I thought you were afraid?" He raised an amused eyebrow.

"I don't want to be alone." I swallowed.

"Okay." He whispered back. "Let's go."

I followed him as we made our way through the dark hallway. My eyes looking around in every direction, which didn't do much considering I couldn't see anything.

"Wait." Michael came to a full stop.

"What?" I panicked, moving even closer to him.

"Nothing." He chuckled, "I just wanted to see you jump."

"Stop!" I said, half amused and half scared shitless.

"Let's keep going." He chuckled, walking quietly down the stairs.

We tip toed around silently as I listened to our surroundings intently. Never daring to get even a few inches away from Michael. I was a baby when it came to stuff like this, and I appreciated Michael's willingness to play along even though he thought it was nothing... which it usually wasn't. But still, better safe than sorry.

There was another rustling sound as we got closer to the kitchen and my knuckles were probably white as I held on even tighter to the fabric of Michael's shirt, if possible.

He paused, looking down at me as he brought his index finger to his lips, telling me to be silent for a moment.

In one quick motion he turned on the lights to the kitchen and revealed the culprit.

To the Moon and Back (MJ fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now