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The days passing weren't as bad as I expected, but still really sad. I tried to keep myself and Liam as busy as I could, but the activities still paled in comparison to talking to Michael each day and night. When the phone rang and I saw his name I called Liam and we huddled close together on the couch, telling Michael about our day and him telling us about things that had been happening on the tour.

With him, each day held something new - even if he wasn't physically here. I'd find a new present sitting on the kitchen counter, or one of his guards would give me another note that Michael had assigned for them. Honestly, the man had a thought process that went further than I could ever begin to imagine. He was always thinking ahead.

I didn't dare go into his bedroom though, because that was still way too close to the flames. I knew if I went inside I'd surly fall apart and have to start from scratch.

I made a deal with myself that I wasn't going to use these days away to mourn our distance - even though some days I could physically feel the miles between us - but rather use them to spend time with Liam or do more productive things. Although, I thanked God everyday that the tour would be over in November and Michael would officially be back in our lives for a lot longer times. It was obvious that Liam and I were not longer a pair; there was now three of us that kept the foundation steady.

"Liam!" I called as I leaned against the wood fence. "Don't get too close to that giraffe, it could bite you."

He laughed as it bent its long neck down and looked for food in his tiny outstretched palm. "Mommy, this is Spot! She doesn't bite!" He giggled as her warm nose touched him.

"Spot?" I questioned with a smile.

"Yeah, Daddy said I could name her!" He bent down and picked up some grain, offering it up.

"Okay," I nodded, content with Michael's trust in the large animal. "Just be careful!"

I thought it was great that Liam got his love for animals from his Father, and it was such a nice gift to have. And in return they seemed to take a liking to my son as well. I had learned that he knew every animal that Michael owned in the Neverland zoo and even called them by name - which was even confusing for me because alot of them looked identical. But perhaps that was just another secret talent that Liam and his Daddy shared, but I would never have the slightest clue in figuring out. They were just animal people, I guess.

Me on the other hand...

It wasn't like I disliked them in anyway - I thought they were magnificent creatures to look at from afar... but I didn't particularly trust them. Alot of them were giants - even full grown tigers - and while they had trainers and tamers and people that went into feed them by hand, I had even seen Michael do it once or twice, I had a silent deal with them; you'll stay on one side of the observatory and I'll stay on the other. Liam's courage was far beyond anything I had.

Liam ran to me - some dirt on the back of his denim jacket, but he didn't care in the slightest - and grabbed my hand, practically pulling me to the next habitat.

"What's in here?" I asked, looking for a sign.

We were inside of a small building, looking through a glass window with large tree stumps and plants all over the green walls. In the corner was a pool, but as I leaned closer I still didn't see anything. Suddenly I realized that one of the stumps was moving as two eyes blinked at me inches from my face.

I jumped back as soon as I seen the very large snake.

"This is just Muscles, Mommy." Liam assured me, letting go of my hand and walking closer as I stayed back. He lightly tapped the glass, greeting the long snake.

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