Idle Hands

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I didn't sleep in Michael's bed while he was away, because I still felt like that was his room, and I didn't want to mess anything up, but I did steal one of his pillows and took it to my room. I laid my head against his heavenly scent and slept like a baby the entire night, not once waking up.

Neverland wasn't Neverland when Michael was gone. It was like he took the heart and soul away with him... probably because he was the heart and soul of it. The property was so much like the owner; fun yet lavish, homey and warm, and very very expressive. Each turn you took you found more and more to discover. Yet, when Michael was gone, it was like a painter abandoning their artwork. You could see the beauty, but you just couldn't feel it as much you'd like. You felt lonely.

I woke up to a nearly empty house and a message from Kate.

You have 1 week to tell me where the hell you are or else I'm going to find you. - Your worried sick sister.

I sighed, tossing it back on the night stand and rubbing my eyes. Before I dealt with anything I needed food in my stomach. I hoped out of bed, and walked down the hallway. Outside the sun shined brightly through the window and the birds were chirping, which made the beautiful day all the more worse because Michael couldn't be here to spend it with us. He was probably still in his plane, flying through the night across the world or landing in an equally dark country.

I seen that Liam wasn't in his bedroom so I walked down the stairs, finding him eating a bowl of lucky charms as he watched Saturday morning cartoons.

"Good morning, Momma." He said when he seen me, taking a bite from his spoon.

"Mornin', Bliss." I smiled lovingly, going to the kitchen.

I had to admit, even though I was working odd jobs and all I wanted was to get home at the end of the day, it was weird not having a job, and just lounging around all day. I needed to find something to keep busy.

When I got to the kitchen, I found that the usual stuff on the counter was all cleared off and in the middle sat a vase of bright yellow flowers with a ribbon them, and in the middle was the very familiar red Camellia. I smiled, stopping infront of them and finding the note that I knew was going to be there.

I opened it to his elegant handwriting:

You've already been introduced to the red flower, now meet the yellow zinnie. It's the wishes for a daily remembrance - which I'll have no problem doing for you. Give Blessing a hug and a kiss from Daddy everyday. I miss you already - even as I write this note.

~ xoxo Michael

I smiled down at the note, mostly for the nickname that he had decided on for Liam. The flowers were gorgeous and bright - they matched the day outside.

While Michael was away he had his team of security detail with him, but now with a family at home he had hired new men to keep a watchful eye out for anything that could be harmful. We were protected one hundred percent of the time - even if we didn't always know. None of them stayed in the house - something that I felt Michael did to keep some normality in his life.

I took one flower in between my fingers and brought it to my nose, taking in the nice scent before stepping around the counter and going in to the kitchen. As many times as Michael told me that I didn't have to make myself breakfast, I still did. Even though he had personal chefs for that, I still didn't feel very comfortable letting them make my meals - and I was sure it would always be like that. Besides, I liked it, it kept me busy and made me feel at home.

I smiled at one of the maids as I walked past, and poured myself a bowl of granola. I found the milk, and then a spoon in the drawer and took a bite, looking out the window over the sink.

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