Colder Weather

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I woke up to a familiar sight. The same one that I had for almost the first 18 years of my life. My Stevie Nicks poster stared at me from the sloped attic wall and the sun shined brightly through my tie dyed curtains.

I stretched, feeling a thumping in my head that was no doubt from the alcohol I drank last night. But if I were being truthful, I probably felt better than I deserved.

I looked off to the side and smiled when I seen Michael sleeping soundly next me me. His curls around his face as he softly breathed in and out, wrapped in the blankets. It was always a wonderful sight to wake up to.

In my slumber I had nearly forgotten that he had actually come to the house last night. I felt bad now that I thought about it, though. He had come all the way over here for me and I was drunk off my ass. I didn't remember much of the conversation, but I knew there was no arguing so that was a good sign.

After a few minutes of drinking him in, I decided it was time to get up. The sooner we did, the sooner we could leave.

I put my hand on his shoulder and gently shook it.

"Michael..." I whispered. "Baby, wake up."

He mumbled something in his sleep and snuggled further into the warm blankets, which I didn't blame him for. Someone had left the window open - probably me - and the room was chillier than usual.

"Michael..." I tried again, cringing from my head ache. "Wake up, Michael. We need to go." I said softly. "Michael... --"

His eyes flew open and his head came up, hitting against the slanted ceiling.

"Oh God!" I gasped.

He winced, holding his hand to his head as he closed his eyes. "Ow... Not exactly the best way to start your morning." He said groggily.

"I'm so sorry." I put my hands on his face, kissing the spot on his head. "You have no idea how many times I did that growing up. I'm so sorry, Michael --"

"It's fine." He finally chuckled, rubbing his head. His voice thick with sleep.

"Do you want an ice pack?" I began to scramble, but he stopped me.

"Emily, really, I'm fine." He smiled sitting up, still rubbing his head as he looked at me with a smile. An expression crossing his face that I didn't understand. "How are you?"

"I'm... better than I was last night." I said truthfully. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that. It was just so... --"

"Shh. Let's not talk about them." He knew exactly where I was going. "You don't have to even think about them as far as I'm concerned."

"Thank God." I sighed heavily. "Because they would only add to the headache I'm having."

"Do you need some advil? Or water? Latoya has this homemade hangover remedy that I could make."

"No," I shook my head. "Not right now. I just want to enjoy laying by you for a little while longer, before we go." I shifted so I was beside him, both our heads sharing a pillow. "You know." I smiled, "You're the first boy I've ever had in my bedroom."

"Really?" His eyebrows raised, and he looked very happy about that.

"Yeah." I said softly, nodding.

"Good." He said with triumph, a grin lighting up his face.

"Sometimes you're such a guy." I giggled, resting my hand on the smooth skin of his stomach.

"I'll take that over being the 'second guy in your bedroom' any day." He said smugly, his finger leaving a trail up and down my back. "Really, though, are you okay? Do you feel sick?"

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