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After that night our days began to drift into weeks, and soon a couple had passed. Michael went back out on tour twice and I stayed in Neverland with Liam - even though he asked me multiple times if I wanted to spend a week out on the road with him. Of course I did, who wouldn't want to see Michael in his element - performing infront of thousands of people. But I had told him, maybe sometime in the future. Right now, it was all too new, and way too easy for the press to get a whiff of Michael and his 'New girl'. If that happened, the ball would surly roll down the hill and wouldn't stop until it destroyed everything in its path.

It was bad enough we couldn't even wear our rings in public, but being that close to Michael while he did his tour would've been all the more hard. It would be too easy to want to hold his hand, or stand close to him like I always found myself doing when we were in a room together. Those things just came natural for me when Michael was around... and for him too.

But like I had said, hopefully someday. Someday.

I was still getting used to the Mrs. Jackson thing. It felt so good to have his last name as mine, but different because I had been caring around Rhodes for a very long time. At one point I began to say it in my mind just so it would stick.

Emily Jackson. Emily Jackson. Emily Jackson.

And of course when Michael was home, he didn't mind calling me it every breath so that's helped. And God did it sound good coming from his mouth - much better than it did mine.

It was official; we were the Jacksons. With in a months time both of our last names had changed, leaving any trace of our lives before in the dust, and I never felt better. I asked Michael again how long he had been planning to change my last name, and he told me that it was the same day we moved in - when Maxwell brought it up for Liam. He never wanted there to be a gap, but things happened, and while he wanted it to have gone differently, he knew he couldn't change that.

It was still odd though having to adjust to being Michael Jackson's wife. Sure I didn't have to deal with the press, or the reporters scratching at our door every second of the day, but there were just some things that you'd never get over.

Firstly, because my husband was who he was, and because he had such a big fortune, there were many lawyers involved. When I seen how many zeros he acquired on his bank statement, I had to do a double take. It still amazed me how much Michael actually made from being a singer and a dancer... And he told me that everything was mine now too. That was what blew my mind. I didn't earn anything of this, and it was his long before I ever came around. So what if I happened to fall in love with a famous person? I didn't fall in love with his money or his material possessions - that was his, I didn't want it. The only thing I wanted out of our marriage was, well... him. And I told him as much. But he begged to differ, arguing that it would make him happy to share everything he had with me.

He was a wealthy man, and I agreed with his lawyers when they told him that I should sign a prenup. Of course Michael was resilient in the beginning, but I had to beg and grovel for him to let me do it. If everything were suddenly in my name too - the house, the money, a very large part of Jackson enterprise (which I was sure his family wasn't too thrilled about), then I had a say of what would happen to it if something major occurred. I wanted his fortune to be secure as much as his lawyers did. Which Michael replied with 'Are you planning on going somewhere?' and I answered back 'It's a precaution and I agree with your lawyers.'

The longer I stayed with Michael the more I began to notice his little quirks and habits, one of which was that he could be very stubborn when he wanted his way. Good thing I had so much experience with his son so I knew exactly how to handle Jackson men.

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