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There was a certain frantic energy buzzing around when we left the hill that night and woke up the next morning to go back home. Even Michael had it rolling off of him like waves. But I couldn't blame them - they were preparing for a media storm.

Michael and I didn't say much to each other as we boarded the plane and took off for LA. We just sat there in silence as he held my hand tightly, almost afraid to let go. He was lost in deep thought as he watched Liam while simultaneously rubbing his thumb against hand. I knew the war that was going on in his head, because the exact same one was going through mine. We were worried, and scared, and angry, and crestfallen, and felt useless in a time like this... But the only difference was I had somewhat accepted our future and Michael was still denying it, which I didn't hold against him. He put alot of the blame on himself - because of who he was, and I knew that it was beating him up on the inside which I hated more than anything. But that wasn't something that I could easily fix. This type of thing hit him on a personal level, bringing out insecurities that he had been struggling with since even before me. I just had to let him go through the motions while giving him as much support as I could. He thought he ruined everything he touched, and this wasn't helping that.

As soon as we got off the plane and into the SUV I turned on my phone for the first time in a day and my heart plummeted in my chest when I see that I have 15 missed calls from Kate, and 13 missed calls from my parents numbers... Not to mention alot of text messages that I didn't even want to think about opening. I sighed heavily, resting my phone on my leg as I stared out the window. The car was as quiet as the plane ride and every time I opened my mouth to say something I shut it just as quick. There was nothing to say at a time like this.

The only time I got the pleasure of hearing Michael's voice was when he answered one of Liam's questions or when he asked the driver to turn on the AC, but other than that we kept silent, sharing the occasional hopeful glance in each others direction. Anyone could tell that we were both shook to the core about this, and I was sure it showed in our faces and our posture, no matter how hard we tried to hide it. I was sure even Liam noticed in one way or another.

It was odd though; Michael and I sat only feet away but worlds apart. Both of our minds fighting the same demons as we sat there in silence. I hated it but I knew it was for the best. Neither of us knew what the expect, while knowing exactly what to expect. It was an off combination.

We turned on the bare road that lead to the oasis that was Neverland Ranch, like we always did, when we spotted a group of people a little ways down... It was a large group of people. My heart began to beat wildly in my chest as I scooted closer, looking at them all as they either held a camera or a microphone, only a select few of them holding nothing at all. When they seen the car they came to life, turning towards us as they began to jump and shout.

"Sir?" The driver said, not sure what to do.

"Go past them." Michael instructed, leaning forward as Liam did the same, curious about what was happening. "They'll move."

We lurched backwards as he pressed on the gas, only to curse under his breath when the large group made no move to get out of the way as they began running towards us.

"We can't back up." The driver said hectically as the people covered the back window.

"Make sure the doors are locked!" Michael said, checking his and then reaching over for mine. "Put this on, Blessing." Michael said in a hurry, draping a thin scarf over his head.

I held him protectively in my lap as more people began to swarm like bees around the car, yelling and screaming, and banging against the glass.

"Michael! MICHAEL! Can you give us answers?" Someone's muffled voice came from the outside.

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