Crazy Girl

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Michael had left earlier in the day to go into LA for a meeting about his next concert. It still astounded me how I could still miss him like this only hours after separation. Would it always be like this? In some ways I hoped so.

As each day went on and we got to know each other more, I had fallen even harder for him than I thought possible. He was incredible, and surprised me at every turn. I loved him deeply, and that wouldn't change, but maybe it was the magazine that I had saw days earlier, or maybe it was just something that I had to deal with at some point, but I was beginning to ask myself where we were going?

For as long as I'd been here never once had we talked about labels. It was just sort of a 'I'm yours and you're mine' thing, which I was fine with, but we didn't call each other boyfriend or girlfriend... because in more ways than one it felt like more than that. But we were still on the precipice of our relationship; somewhere between raising a child and still learning each others favorite color. It was confusing at times, but what about our relationship wasn't? We were faithful to each other, that I knew, and I had all the trust in the world that our relationship would one day find common comfortable ground.

Our situation wasn't an easy one, and there was no handbook for it, but we were unique. Learning things as we went, but barely being able to go public outside of the Neverland walls. There were no set of basic steps and rules for 'what to do when you unexpectedly get knocked up by a mega superstar and keep his child a secret for five years'. Sometimes it was a sticky situation...

"Liam," I asked, holding his hamper, "Can you toss me some of your toys?" 

"Okay, Mamma!" He ran down the hall, sliding over trucks, and blankets, and toy guns.

I picked up his things too, following a trail all the way to Michael's office. I didn't go in here much because this was his private room. I was sure he wouldn't care either way, but I felt like he still needed his boundaries.

Liam on the other hand viewed Neverland as his playground - and that included every room, closets, and hallways; there were no limits.

I found some cars under the big oak desk and I bent down to grab them.

"Here's my ball!" Liam yelled.

"Wait a sec, Liam --!" I tried to say quickly, but to no prevail.

I stood up just as the ball hit the desk, knocking over some papers and hitting the answering machine.

"Crap." I bit my lips, quickly going to clean it up, but a noise caught me in my tracks. It was the answering machine.

"You have no new messages - April 5th, 5:33 pm." And automated voice said, before switching it to the last message he must have played. "Hey, Michael, this is Lisa. I was just wondering if you thought about what our managers said. If you have I'd really love to get together if you aren't busy... Call me back." The message ended with a loud beep, and I dropped the small cars in my hands.

There was no doubt in my mind that that was Lisa Marie Presley on the phone.

I suddenly felt like every ounce of energy in me dispersed. She's been calling him?

Why didn't he tell me that she's been calling? I thought in shock, setting the hamper down.

I knew it wasn't that big of a deal, and I was sure that he wasn't leading her on in anyway, but still it made my mind go to places that I didn't want it to. I was jealous, crazily so, and I knew I was overreacting and overthinking when I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help it...

I groaned loudly, pinching the bridge of my nose as I left his office, wanting to forget all about it. Since he didn't tell me it must've not been that big of a deal, but then again maybe it was so big that he was waiting for the right time to tell me... And what was their managers talking about?

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