Fights & Stuff

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"William Alexander Jackson!" I said exasperatedly. "Can you please stop?"

"I'm not doing anything!" He defended, jumping from couch cushion to couch cushion, finally hoping off and running through the house.

I followed him, picking up the things that he left in his wake.

"You're going to get hurt!" I said loudly.

"No, I'm not, Momma!" He said back, just as loud.

"I said knock it off!" I warned him.

God, I loved that boy, but some days he was just a handful... and today was one of those days. And every parent knew about 'those days'.

All day long he had been pestering me about going outside, and then when I let him all he did was complain about how he didn't want to. He wanted to watch TV. And when I had let him do that, he complained that there was nothing good on to watch. He then proceeded to tell me how he wanted hot dogs for lunch, but when I made it for him, he cried about he'd much rather have mac n' cheese. Finally I threw my hands up and told him to ask one of the workers, because I was over it.

After that he was a ball of energy; jumping in every which way of the house and destroying everything in his path. He was bouncing off the walls so much, that it was like someone fed him three cups of pure sugar. 

"Fine. Fine! You know what, do whatever you want!" I said over the volume of the TV, completely giving up for the second time today.

My bun was a mess on top of my head, my shirt was untucked on one side. I really looked like one of those tired Moms that you'd see in those over exaggerated commercials, with sweat pants and mismatched socks, looking like they should be committed.

He continued to run around the room shouting and hollering a vaguely familiar song  - I think it was from Disney - as he touched everything in sight. One of which was a button to a CD player that blasted a song so loud that it drained out my voice and the TV.

I covered my ears, yelling, "Press the button again!"

"What?" I seen his mouth move but no sound came out.

"The button!" I pointed.

He backed away from the noise, tripping over one of his toys and knocking over a very expensive looking vase. It hit the floor and split it into two, cracking right down the middle.

I stood there in shock with my mouth open, as Liam stood up, rubbing his butt and wincing.

Suddenly Michael - my saving grace - came hopping up stairs from his studio in the basement. He ran to the stereo and pressed a button, making the room go completely silent as he also shut off the TV. He stood between me and Liam, looking at us both with confusion and a little bit of surprise.

"Liam, you just broke that vase!" I gaped at the turquoise pieces laying in shambles.

"I didn't mean too!" He defended, backing away from the bits and pieces.

"I told you to stop running around and now the vase is broke, the house is a mess, half my hearing is gone..." I rested my hand on my forehead feeling a migraine happening.

"I said I was sorry!" He pursed his lips like a small adult.

I put my hands on my waist, gaping at him. "You did not!"

"Well, I am..." He said softly, looking down at his feet, knowing full well he was in trouble.

"Blessing," Michael said softly, trying to maintain his laughter. "I think you should go to your room. Your Mommy needs some time to cool off."

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