Take It or Leave It

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"You think we should go soon?" I asked from my chair beside Michael.

We had climbed up the W of the Hollywood sign, just listening to music, talking, and eating some snacks that his right-hand man had bought for us. We stared at the stars, and when early morning arrived we watched the sun peak its way above the horizon. The view was amazing up here, and it had been the second time that he had brought me.

Now, as the day has started to wake up, and the city of Hollywood greeted the morning, the horizon was a wild disarray of pinks and oranges. It was breath taking.

"Probably." He agreed from my left, "Blessing will be getting up soon and I want to be there when he does."

I turned forward again, closing my eyes as I let in a cool breath, totally comfortable.

"You know when I was a little boy living here, me and Marlon and Tito would climb up these often." He remembered fondly. "That was before they started putting fences around them though..."

"Do you talk to them at all?" I asked, realizing - besides Janet - I had never really heard him on the phone with any of his siblings.

"Sometimes they'll call when I'm touring, but not often." He shook his head. "Everyone always tried to brand us as this tight knit family band," He chuckled. "We're an entertainment family. Sometimes I feel like bloods the only thing we have in common."

"God, that must make Katherine so sad." I said in a somber voice. I had known her for only a short time, but I knew she was family oriented.

"Oh it did. But it was Josephs dream," He said sourly. "And look who won."

I was silent for a moment, not sure how to respond. Instead, I turned the tables.

"Michael?" I turned towards him.

"Hmm?" He hummed, looking over at me. And I watched as his eyes ran over my face, taking in every detail as though it were the first and last time he would ever see me. I always loved it when he did that. He was unashamed when it came to gawking at his wife, and the sentiment was the same vice versa. I loved looking at Michael.

"What if we had another baby..." I began, tracing my finger against the denim of my pants. "And he or she grew up to become an artist, or a dancer, or something along those lines." I licked my lips. "But Liam and our other child never talked, or had really anything to do with each other. How would you feel about that?" I asked curiously.

"Emily?" He said with all seriousness. His eyes flashing down to my stomach. "Are you trying to tell me something..."

"Oh, no! No!" I said quickly, shaking my head. "No, I as just wondering how you'd feel about that considering your upbringing."

"Oh..." He breathed, a hint of sadness coloring his tone. "Well," Michael cleared his throat. "You know that I want to give my children everything that I never had. That's why I have Neverland. That's why I try to keep Liam out of the spot light as often as I can. So with saying that... It would break my heart if, let's say we had another boy, and Liam and him weren't close at all. I wish I had that with at least one of my brothers, and I'd hope Liam would be able to have that too. Siblings are supposed to be close to one another. After all, when their parents aren't there anymore, who else do they have left? I'd hope they'd love each other, and care for another like you and Kate."

I snorted. "Kate and I had no other choice but to be each others life rafts away from our parents. We were as compatible as two random people being put on a desereted island trying not to die. We had no other choice." I joked.

Honestly, I had no idea how Kate and I would've turned out if it weren't for the house hold we grew up in. We probably wouldn't have been as close as we are now. Because it was true; we were each others life lines, no matter how different we really were. I guess I could thank my parents for something - if they hadn't been so fucked up, Kate and I probably wouldn't had been so close.

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