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After all the legal jargon was up, half the day had already flew by. I was as tired coming out of the meeting room than I had been since arriving in Neverland.

I had made a huge decision regarding Liam's life today - one that I had never thought I'd have to make - but I didn't feel any regret. I felt anxious, and scared of the unknown, but things had finally started to feel like maybe they were falling in the right place.

I knew that these changes would be huge for Liam - heck, they were huge for me, but as long as he was happy than I could live anywhere. Although I'd have to explain to Kate and Dan why we were leaving... and maybe even my parents. Having to talk to my parents would be a bigger headache than any of this combined, but if it had to be done it had to be done.

We had decided on me and Liam moving in as soon as we could. Now that the word was let out that Michael had a son, there was no saying how tightly sealed it would stay between the Neverland walls, and nobody wanted to chance anything. We were basically already living there.

In the blink of any eye my entire world had changed. I was now thrown into the secretive chaos that was apart of the Hollywood life. And while it was big leap for me, Liam would only be out of place for a moment, before it seemed like he lived this way his entire life. He was only five. But maybe I wasn't giving this world enough credit; maybe he was ment to grow up like this. With a Mother that loved him and a Father that already cared deeply for him, in a heavily secured property. It was obvious that there were worse ways for children to live, and if nothing came out in the public about our situation he'd be home free.

I walked out of the room in a bit dazed, but sated. In my heart of hearts I knew I made the right decision. I checked the clock and seen that it was already half past noon, which ment I really was in there for hours.

I gingerly walked down the halls and looked around. So this is how Michael lives, I thought idly. All those times he came to meet me, this is where he came from. It was very obvious that this was his home - it just felt like him. Warm, inviting, yet pristine and bursting with character.

Some how, I found my way to the huge kitchen and sat down. It was lunch time and I wondered where Michael and Liam were. I wasn't going to interrupt their time together though - they had a lot of catching up to do. Plus I needed to talk to Michael. He may have still been mad at me for keeping the secret as long as I did, but I couldn't just move in without speaking to him first.

A commotion by the door made me spin in my spot as Michael and Liam came in, both of them laughing uncontrollably. I wasn't sure if I'd get used to it or not, but the sight of them together made my heart soar. They really were the spitting image of one another, and seeing them together just made it all the more clear.

"Mommy, Mommy!" Liam said happily, running towards me as he pulled Michael behind him.

He stood between my legs as I held his face in both of my hands, his green eyes sparkling.

"Guess what I did!" He grinned.

"What?" I smiled, just as excited.

"We raced down a tall bumpy slide on potato sacks, and we went on a ferris wheel, and we seen two giraffes, Mommy! Can you believe that?!" He jumped up and down.

I giggled, moving some hair out of his eyes as I remembered about the mandatory DNA test that would take place. "That sounds like so much fun!"

"I know!"

"Are you hungry?"

He nodded.

I was just about to ask where I could go to make a sandwich when Michael's angelic voice called through the kitchen. "Olivia!"

To the Moon and Back (MJ fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now