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Get ready for a long one! Hope you enjoy. xx

We woke up early in the morning and drove to Michael's private jet. So early infact that Liam was still sleeping soundly against Michael's shoulder when we arrived on the tar mat, and was still asleep as Michael talked to his security team and then walked up the stairs and into the plane.

I had no idea how he slept through everything considering the plane was on and there was wind blowing everywhere, but it was 6 in the morning so he had a reason.

San Olivos wasn't far from Anaheim, but going on a plane was still faster and safer according to Michael. He loved the thing, and I was convinced that this was his first love before Liam and I came along. It was giant and sleek, and looked really expensive. It still shocked me how much money Michael really had, and when I seen things like that it all just hit me harder than it did the first time. It amazed me that one man had his own jet that could take him anywhere in the world. It was only the kind of stuff you dreamed about as a kid, or seen on TV... and now I was standing on the tar mat gaping at it with wide eyes.

I had never been a big fan of planes, even though my Father liked them enough. It was one of his hobbies that it seemed he actually enjoyed. Perhaps it was even one of the things that kept him sane. I remembered going into his study once when I was 4 and seeing all of his small replicas on his shelf. That was of course, before my Mother shooed me out.

But this was no wooden collectors figure that had it's wings held on by super glue... this was real.

Michael was giddy as he turned at the door, looking down the steps at me as he held Liam with one arm and waved me to come up with the other.

Hesitantly, I walked up the folding steps and went inside. It was much more quiet inside than it was out. The noise of the jets on the wings dulled to a quiet hum inside the cabin.

"Whoa..." I breathed when I seen the inside. It was like an apartment for the sky.

There was a few normal seats in the corner, but there were also leather recliners and a long couch set just below the oval windows. It was very suave and pristine, but knowing Michael's taste I shouldn't had been surprised. Of course like everything that was in his possession, it was beautiful and looked as new as they could be. I idly wondered how many security men slept in some hidden - and lascivious - rooms that surly had a place in here for long concert flights.

"Come over here, Emily!" Michael patted the spot next to him as he laid Liam down on the other side.

"This is... Whoa." I said again, looking up and around at everything. In the corner there was even a television and a shelf with books.

"I'm glad you like it." He grinned, "Now come and sit by me." He requested, watching me.

I ran my hand over the cherry desk that sat off to the side, amazed by how much they managed to get in here without it being crowded. "This is what you use when you leave on tour?" I looked over at him.

"Well this or one of the other three." He said softly, shrugging.

I gaped at him, and was met by his chiming laughter.

"Other three?" I blinked, trying to wrap my head around it.

He nodded, "Yeah. I have four all together." He shrugged, "They're my home away from home, but of course nothing can beat being with you and Blessing..." He said softly, stroking Liam's hair as he rested. "But it's like a second house when I'm out on tour. I really hope you like it." He added in a whisper.

"Well yeah." I got out with a shaky laugh. "It's incredible. I just didn't know you owned four planes is all..." I bit my lower lip in contemplation.

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