A Day in the Life

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Five years later...

"Liam!" I call as I set his breakfast down on the table. "You need to eat so you can go!"

I hear him hopping down the stairs before I see him, and in the blink of an eye he's sitting at the table. His mess of dark brown curls that he insists on trying to comb to the sides are sticking out all over his head. He's wearing a blue button down, dress pants, and a pair of green froggy rain boots that I had bought him last fall which do not match his outfit at all. But since I've started to let him pick out his own clothes, I've learned he likes to push the limits of style and colors - unlike his Mother would stayed strictly to darker shades and looked completely bland in comparison to my creative boy.

As I scrape some scrambled eggs onto his plate, I hear him tapping his spoon against the table in a steady rhythm; he'd been doing it alot lately and I don't think he even knows he's doing it half the time.

I set his plate in front of him as he looks up at me lovingly.

There is no doubt he resembles Michael, I seen it from the day I brought him home, but as the days go by I begin seeing more and more of his Father in him. Especially now as he smiles up at me. My steps falter for a split second but I fix my expression before he can notice, grinning softly back.

"Good morning, baby." I give him a peck on the lips.

"Morning, Mama." He says quietly, cutting into his french toast.

I sit next to him with my chin resting on my hands, and watch him for a moment, gnawing on the bottom of my lip.

The day I gave birth to him was one of the happiest days of my life. I hadn't noticed it, but I was so alone before Liam came along, and then suddenly I wasn't. He came into this world a week before he was due, and I had to have a C-section. The doctors said that he kept flipping and they were worried he'd come out the wrong way or have the cord wrapped around his neck. My sister Kate still jokes till this day that he was just dancing, as anxious to meet us as we were to meet him. When he finally arrived, wrapped in a soft blue blanket, and I held him to my chest for the first time I felt whole. Like I knew him my entire life. And ever since then he had been surprising me at every turn. My little boy.

I was a lucky Mom, because he was an easy baby... Well, as easy as one could get. He didn't fuss much, only cried when he was hungry, needed to be changed, or just wanted me to hold him, and most of the time he fell asleep as soon as I had given him his bottles. He was my miracle boy, because I honestly think I would've gone mad those first few months if he wasn't so manageable. I was so young, and I had basically lost the support of my Mother as I had predicted. Plus, I didn't have a husband to share the responsibilities with; like putting Liam back to sleep at 2 o'clock in the morning when he was restless, or helping me calm him down when he wouldn't sleep at all. It was tough, but soon I had gotten the hang of it.

"Can I watch TV?" He asks, his green eyes staring at me innocently.

"Okay, but you only have 5 minutes. Got it?" I told him, reaching over the turn on the small television on the kitchen counter.

I would like to say that he had my eye color, and in a way I did give it to him, but his were much more spectacular than mine. More of a vibrant green and so unique. Like a forest evergreen. They were the first thing I noticed that day in the hospital.

When he was done I took his empty plate and brought it to the sink to wash. I was lost in deep thought as I rinsed the dish and Liam laughed a little at his Power Rangers show.

"Can I turn it to something else?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said slowly, looking at the clock. "You have about five minutes so that's fine."

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