Tall Tales

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I came home from work and quietly opened the door, trying not to make much noise. I had chosen to take some over time that went longer than I had expected. I was tired like I usually was, but thankful that Kate had been able to stay later than expected.

"Hey." I whispered, shutting the door and taking off my shoes.

She got up from her spot on the couch and stretched, switching off the TV and tossing the remote onto the cushions.

"Hey, Em." She said sleepily, giving me a hug. "Liam's already asleep."

I sighed thankfully. "You're a God."

She smiled, "I know."

"You sure you don't want to sleep on the couch?" I asked, setting my purse down on the table.

Her house wasn't far away, but it was late and she looked like she had been waiting up for a while.

"Nah, I'm good." She put on her flats, and put her small purse over her shoulder. "Go get some rest." She ordered like only a big sister would.

"Will do." I nodded, suppressing a yawn.

I opened the front door and leaned against the frame as she walked to her car, waving at her as she backed up and her tail lights disappeared down the street. I closed the door and locked it securely, before going to my room and slipping off my shirt and pants and changing into an old T-shirt and pajama bottoms.

I wiped off my make up in my mirror and collected my hair; pulling it up into a bun.

I had been working part time as a receptionist for 8 months now, and I enjoyed the good pay and flexible hours they gave me to be home with Liam during most days, but Lord did I love coming home at the end of the day and relaxing.

Since the incident - as I now referred to it - thing's had calmed down. I was feeling better and back on track to being a Mother to my baby. Of course there was still times that I had to catch my self from being a total mess, but that just came with the territory. I was in a moot point, and until I absolutely had to deal with anything involving the situation I had put myself in, then I wouldn't be thinking about it.

I let out a breath and stood back, placing my hair tie on my dresser. I looked at the vase of flowers that sat by my mirror and I smiled sadly, taking one petal in between my finger tips and watching it fall onto the finished wood. The note laid by the glass, still folded neatly as if I hadn't been reading it hundreds of times each night - sometimes even falling asleep with it on my chest as I tried to contemplate the answer to what I was supposed to do.

I grazed it my with finger tips and sighed deeply, before turning to leave my room and going to check on Liam across the hall.

I quietly walked across the carpet and to Liam's bedroom door that was partially opened. His night light creating a soft glow from the inside.

The door squeaked as I pushed it open, just enough to see him lying on his bed with a toy in his hands. His eyebrows were knit together as he concentrated on the task at hand.

I smiled softly at the sight. "I thought you were supposed to be asleep." I leaned against the doorway, crossing my arms.

He looked over at me, before focusing on his toy again. "I can't go to sleep."

"Why not, baby?" I tilted my head.

"Because, Momma, I just can't." He sort of shrugged.

"Oh," I let out a breath, figuring out what was up. "I'll just do some investigating."

He smiled as he watched me go around his room. I opened his closet door and peaked inside. "There's no monsters in there..." I tapped my chin.

He giggled, his face lighting up with amusement.

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