Anywhere With You

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Later that night when we put Liam to sleep, Michael told me that he had called Kate earlier in the day to ask if her and Dan wanted to spend the weekend at the ranch. They were more than happy to oblige, so as soon as they got there Michael and I had left.

I still wasn't sure where we were going, I just knew it would take his private plane to get us there. But it didn't really matter all that much. For all I cared, he could taken me to the middle of the dessert and I would had loved it as long as he were by my side. I knew it was cheesy, but Michael just made everything... better. Even when everything felt off.

"You're still not telling me where we're going?" I asked him as the plane took off into the night sky.

He shook his head, smiling. "We'll be there in 4 hours."

"You do know you could had brought me 4 feet outside of the house and I would had been ecstatic, right?" I asked as I played with the wedding bang around his finger.

"That's one of the things I love about you, ya know." He said gently.

I looked up at him, tilting my head slightly. "What?"

"That fact that it doesn't take much to please you." He chuckled. "I've met so many people who think they own the world and everything needs to be to their standards and liking, but with you..." He shook his head. "You're not like that at all. You keep me grounded, and humble."

"I think you have that flipped upside down." I state, more than touched by his words. "I think it's you who reminds me to stop and smell the roses." I whisper, still looking at his ring.

"I never take it off." He says suddenly, which makes me look up at him.


"I never take it off." He says again. "When we're shooting scenes for Ghost or when I'm making music videos I tell them to shoot around it if they need too, but I refuse to remove it." He laughs softly. "It drives the producer crazy but who really cares."

"Never?" I ask again in a soft, disbelieving voice.

He shakes his head. "No. Why would I? It's the physical representation of the best day of my life. It's a piece of you that I have to take with me when I'm gone somewhere that I really rather not be. It's a symbol to show the whole world that I'm your husband." He shrugs, as if he hasn't just said the most romantic thing. "Why would I ever take it off?"

The was slight ache in my chest, and I was suddenly even more so regretting the spat that we had earlier in the day.

No matter what, no matter where, Michael was always thinking about me... about us. How could I ever doubt that? The pain of our separations through the past few months had been hard on him too.

"You know, sometimes you say the sweetest things." I stifled my yawn.

"Only to you." He brought my hand up and ran his lips across my knuckles and over my ring. "You should get some sleep, Emily."

"But I want to spend time with you." I said, even though I was getting pretty drowsy.

He grinned sweetly. "We'll have a lot of time for that when we get to where we're going." Michael assured me.

I rubbed at my tired eyes, letting out a big yawn. I was more tired than I thought.

"Come here." Michael opened his arms.

Without a second thought I crawled into his lap as he tucked my head under his chin and wrapped his arms around me.

I closed my eye, feeling more calm and content than I had in months. Just being near him, seeing him, smelling him, and feeling his warmth could make anything disappear out of my mind. He was the other half of me, and without him I would never feel complete. And not only that, but he was the better half of me too. One that I could never live without.

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