The Meeting

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"Okay, baby boy, which one do you think?" I held up his two shirts. "Blue with penguins or green with elephants? Blue or green?" I asked as I held one up higher than the other and then vice versa.

"Um... Green!" He said as he stood on his bed, a ball of energy.

I smiled, whispering, "I think so too."

I had told him that we were going to meet somebody special today, and that I wanted him to be on his best behavior. What I didn't tell him - or show him - was how much of a mess I was on the inside.

For the first time in their lives, Michael and Liam were going to meet. It was something that I had never anticipated. Sure, I thought about it a million times, but never once thought it was a real option. Truth be told I was excited, nervous, and really giddy - all at the same time. It was a potent combination. Truth be told I was trying to keep my mind occupied with other things so I didn't think too much about it. There was no way I was going to chicken out, but all of this was crazy to think about.

It was all happening so fast, like the speed of light, but I realized how Michael must've been feeling. He wanted to meet the little boy who had half of his DNA, someone who probably seen things like he did and had his smile and eyes. It wasn't rocket science; Michael wanted to meet his son, and with good reason. I didn't know how I could have expected anything less. Even though I had known him for such a short amount of time, I knew that Michael was a man of action. If he wanted something he'd either take it or make it happen, and he wanted to meet his child.

I had seen the way his eyes lit up when I told him about our son. He was... luminous. But that still didn't answer all the other questions I had. There was a reason why I wanted to keep this away from the press - and I knew with all my heart that Michael would want the same - but when you lived the life of Michael Jackson things always got out. And that was what I was afraid of.

I wanted Michael to meet Liam, I honestly did. But I also had very real fears and that's the reason why I had tried to keep him away. If we were normal I would've told him right away - no matter how scared I was of his reaction. But the bottom line was that Michael Jackson, The King of Pop, now had a bloodline that went farther than just himself. He had off spring, and if this got out Liam would be another part of the Jackson brand. He'd be famous, and people would be expecting great things out of him one day. It was too much pressure to put on a little boy, and while Michael knew exactly how that felt, I had an inkling as well, and I never wanted that for my son. I wanted him to grow up normally, out of the Hollywood spotlight, and I still hoped we could keep it that way. Being Michael Jackson's child wasn't something that people would take lightly. I just hoped we would never find out.

"Okay," I stood next to his bed, turning him so he was facing the mirror. I put a light sweater on him and zipped it up half way, and then brushed the hair out of his face.

"You need a haircut." I bit the inside of my lip, regretting that we didn't do that sooner.

I looked at him in the mirror with my hands on his shoulders. I wish I could've been as care free as he was, smiling at me with his chin up, not having the slightest worry in the world. But then again, he didn't know who we were meeting, but I knew him well enough to know that that wouldn't have bothered him.

"You look very handsome." I admonished, kissing his cheek, smelling the watermelon from his No Tears baby shampoo. I wanted him to look the best he could when he met Michael for the first time. I know it was probably silly, and Michael wouldn't have cared, but it wasn't everyday you met your Dad for the first time.

"I know." He smiled devilishly.

Despite all my nerves, a laugh escaped me as I rolled my eyes, kissing the side of his head.

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