New York New York

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Not long after we got back to the landing strip at the LA airport and boarded Michael's private plane. It seemed like forever ago when we were last on it, but in reality it had only been a few days when we had gone to Disney. I knew it was because of all that happened between then and now, and briefly I wondered if my life would ever slow down enough for me to catch my breath.

As soon as we got on the plane we crashed on the couch and Michael kicked off his shoes, putting his feet up on the table, as I rested against him with my head on his shoulder.

Like last time, a stewardess came in a went through the regular motions - showing us where the exits were and what to do in case of an emergency.

By now I was sure Mrs. Walters was aware of the fact that we were on our way to New York for her to interview us. I knew enough to understand that anything that had to do with Michael was already a big deal, and to add on a secret wife and child made this a nuclear bomb in the eyes of the press. I didn't know exactly how this stacked up compared to her previous interviews that she had done — some of them I had seen when I was a child — but I knew that this would definitely boost her career to new heights.

I think Michael had asked everyone to leave us be for the time remaining because nobody bothered us for the duration of the 5 and a half hour flight, which I was grateful for. There were so many things going on in my head that I thought it could explode at any moment. It was then I remembered Katherine and Liam, and I looked around for the nearest phone.

I had wanted to call my sweet boy earlier but every thing was too hectic. Now we had time though, and I just wanted to hear his voice.

"Are we allowed to us the phone when the planes in the air?" I asked Michael.

He opened his eyes, smiling down at me. "You're allowed to do whatever you want."

I laughed softly, patting his chest as I stood up. Of course - this was his plane and I was his wife. I made sure not to ever let that get to my head, though.

I picked up the phone and sat down in the recliner as Michael shut his eyes once again, trying to rest. On the second ring Tiffy picked up.

"Hello, may I ask who's calling?" She said.

"Hi, Tiffy." I sighed, smiling. "Can you put Liam on the phone?"

"Yes, Ma'am." She said, which made me feel much older than I really was.

"Mama?" Liam's soft said on the other end.

"Hi, baby." I closed my eyes, grinning.

"Mama!" He said again, and I knew he was smiling as well. "Hi!"

"I've missed you a whole lot." I said softly. "And so has Daddy." I looked over at Michael who was now laying on his side, his eyes closed in the resemblance of sleep.

"Where are you?" He asked innocently.

"We have to go away for a little while, but we'll be back soon." I assured him.

"When?"  He asked innocently.

"I'm not sure yet, but really soon. Okay? All you have to do is go to sleep a few times and we'll be back." I played with the chord.

"Okay, Mommy." He said with trust. "Where's Daddy?"

"Daddy is right here next to me."

As soon as I said the words Michael's eyes opened and he held his hand out for the phone, a knowing expression on his perfect face.

I smiled softly, listening to the one-sided conversation.

"Hi, Blessing. I miss you." He said, still laying down. A wide smile came across his face. "...And I miss you most... Listen to Miss Tiffy while we're away, okay? You're the man of Neverland while I'm gone... I love you, too." He handed the phone back to me and I pressed it to my ear.

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