Don't Make Me Say It

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Warning: This chapter deals with some sensitive issues regarding pregnancies.

My plan was to come right out and say it, and deal with the look in his eyes afterwards. If I didn't rip it off like a bandage, I knew I would have more of a difficult time telling him if I prolonged it very much.

"Michael?" I called through the house as soon as I walked in.

"How was everything?" He appeared from the hallway. "How are you? Are you okay?" He touched my arms and then placed his hands on either side of my face, looking into my eyes.

"I'm healthy." I closed my eyes for a moment, just reveling in his touch. Even if all else went wrong today, I could have this moment.

Somewhere in the house the home phone started ringing, which both of us basically ignored.

"Michael, I have to..." I sighed, trying to find my words.

"Yeah?" He watched me intently. "What is it, Emily?" The phone started going berserk on the line.

"I -." I tried again.

"Mommy!" Liam called, running into the room.

"Yeah, Liam?" I shifted my attention over to him.

"It's Aunt Kate on the phone." He looked worried and confused.

"What's wrong?" I turned towards him as I bent down. "Are you sick?" I felt his forehead.

He shook his head, "She's crying." His eyebrows furrowed as he handed me the phone.

Crying? Kate hardly cried, and if she was it could only be for a handful of reasons. None of them good.

I looked over at Michael, and I was sure that his face mirrored mine.

"Go with Daddy, Liam." I told him softly.

He grabbed our sons hand as they walked out of the room. Michael trying to sound upbeat as he sparked up a conversation to get Liam's mind off of anything that he heard.

"Kate?" I brought the phone to my ear. "What's wrong?"

"She's gone, Emily..." Her voice broke through her heart wrenching sobs. "She's gone!" She cried again. "My b-b-Baby!"

My heart sank for the second time today, as it felt like all the air left my lungs. I didn't have to ask who.

"Kate... —." My voice stuck in my throat.

"Can you just please come here?" She sobbed, her voice barely recognizable. It was low, and filled with tears. I knew she a wreck right now.

"Of course!" I said frantically. "I'm leaving now."

"Please hurry!" She gasped for breathes.

"I'll be there soon." I promised, trying to sound calm. "Try to breath, hun. I love you."

I hung up the phone as Michael walked in. Liam no longer anywhere by him, which I was grateful for.

"What is it?" He asked as soon as he saw me.

"It's Kate." I ran a hand through my hair, feeling lost. "She miscarried."

"Oh my God!" His jaw dropped, instantly as concerned as I was. "Where is she?"

"I need to call Dan to find out." I let out a deep breath, gathering my belongings.

"I'll do that." He assured me. "Just focus on getting to LA, okay? I'll take care of everything, just go be with Kate."

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