American Music Awards

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"And you're sure you're fine?" I asked again, clipping on my earrings.

"Are you kidding me?" Kate scoffed on the other end of the phone. "I'm curled up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and my sisters going to be on TV! I'm totally fine."

Tonight was the World Music Award show, and to put it lightly I was a complete wreck. My nerves hadn't shut off since Michael had asked me if I wanted to go. Of course it was my choice, and Michael hadn't let me forget that, but we had been public knowledge for some time now and we'd rarely gone out in public. I decided that while it made me nervous to be in a room filled with music icons with cameras being shoved in my face, I wanted to support my husband even more.

Of course, he was going to perform tonight and I wanted to be there for him. It was what normal celebrity couples did, right?

God, I cringed. That didn't sound right. Celebrity couple? Michael was the celebrity, I was just the woman he has fallen in love with. I didn't do anything special, but if you would had asked the public I was bigger news than the moon landing. It didn't make sense, but I was beginning to learn that not many things in the world of the Hollywood elite did.

So I picked myself up and I decided to go, which made Michael ecstatic - and that alone made my nerves disappear ten fold.

I didn't really know what to expect to be honest. I hadn't met a lot of people from his world before. Mainly because he didn't exactly consider a lot of them as friends. Michael was a very personal person, only letting a select few into his life.

"So am I going to meet all of your friends there?" I asked one day with absolute uncertainty. If I was jumping in, I might as well had known exactly what I was jumping in to.

To my surprise he laughed. "You'll be meeting people I'm acquainted with through music. I wouldn't call many of them my friends. Only a handful of people are my real friends."

"But you're Michael Jackson." I felt silly putting it that way, but I couldn't find another way to explain it. "You're kind of a big deal."

A small ounce of color flushed his cheeks and he rolled his eyes. "I just perform my songs and go to award shows." He shrugged. "I don't attend their after parties or have a special clique of friends that I gossip with. I just do my own thing." He looked over at me. "Are you scared?"

"More nervous than scared." I sighed.

"Because of all the people that'll want to meet you?"

I thought for a moment. Now I was really feeling dumb. "Remember a long time ago at our family barbecue when Kate told you I was loner in High school?"

He nodded slowly, smiling. "Yes, I remember."

"Well this whole thing just feels like a glorified version of prom where the popular kids go to show off how cool they are." I shuddered. "And for lack of a better description... I'm going with the quarterback of the football team."

He bursted out laughing, clutching his stomach. "I've never thought about it that way before, but yeah!" He chuckled. "You're kind of right."

"I am?" I said with a bit of surprise. I was hoping he'd deny my suspicions.

He nodded, taking my hand. "You're a hot topic, and I'm - for lack of a better word," He quoted me, "Michael Jackson." He made a face, instantly regretting the use of his name. "So if we're going by high school rules then yes, I suppose that'll make you the head cheerleader."

I snorted, covering my mouth. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather take Kate?" I joked.

"You've come a long way from being that quiet artsy girl that I love so much, Emily." He smiled softly. "You're one of Times most influential people." He reminded me.

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