After Party

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"Latoya always used me to test out her new make up ideas." Michael laughed, shaking his head. "Up until I was about 12."

"Okay, but that's really cute." I wiped my mouth after taking a bite of my burger. "I mean she's your big sister. That's what they do."

We were still in our AMA outfits, although now Michael had his jacket off with his sleeves rolled up, and I had a napkin tucked into the front of my dress. The whole Prince fiasco was forgotten about, and not long after we drove away I realized I was still hungry.

We found an In and Out Burger place and caught the very surprised teenage boy as he was closing up shop, and with some persuasion - and an autograph and picture from Michael - he happily called up his manger and asked if he could keep it open for us.

"It's not cute." Michael protested, but a smile still ghosted his lips. "It was humiliating."

"I think it's sweet." I smiled, as he took a fry from my tray. "You helped your sister out."

"If you think any of that was voluntary then you're crazy." He shook his head.

"You could've told her no and left, but instead you sat there - granted you probably did complain from time to time - and let her put make up on you because it made her happy." I explained. "And I think that's sweet."

He looked thoughtful for a moment, before smiling. "Okay your turn."

"Alright..." I wiped my hands, thinking. "An embarrassing moment from my childhood was probably..." I hummed. "Oh! When I started my first period. I was wearing these light blue pants that my Mom bought for me and I had to do a presentation infront of the whole class." I cringed. "God, I was so embarrassed! I didn't even know until my entire class started snickering."

"That's horrible!" He gasped, trying to stop his laughter.

I threw a napkin at him, which he caught. "It was! I almost started crying! Thank God Kate kept extra feminine products and sweatpants in her locker or else I would've been screwed."

"That's probably why you like dark colors so much." Michael said thoughtfully.

"You know what? You're probably right."

"Okay; my turn." I smiled deviously, rubbing my hands together.

"Name the craziest thing a fan has done... —."

"That's easy."

"While we've been married." I finished.

He blushed. "Emily..." He chuckled.

"Come on." I egged on. "I know it still happens obviously, and you've been respectful enough to not mention any of it around me, but I wanna know."

"Well there's a reason I never tell you. You're my wife, and I'd rather you not know some of the silly things groupies do."

"I know." I shrugged, waving my hand. "And I know it happens all the time anyways, so you might as tell me. I promise I won't get jealous or mad."

He stared at me for a moment. "Really? I don't know..."

"I pinky promise." I stuck out my pinky, and after a moment of deliberation he hooked his in mine. "Alright, but this is the only time. I don't want you hearing this silly stuff."

"Shoot." I took another bite.

"Okay... Well, you know the last concert I had in Chicago?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"When we were pulling out of the ally way, a fan flashed me." His cheeks got dark red as he put his hand over his face.

"She did?!" I gasped, smiling like an idiot.

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