Home Away From Home

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"You don't think it's too open, right?" I asked as we sat in our new living room, over looking the ocean tides.

Staying true to his words, it was a team effort between the two of us to pick out our new home. A place that we wouldn't be staying forever, but for a while at least - and definitely somewhere we'd visit often just to get away.

It was a beautiful property that sat on Languna Beach not far from LA, but just far enough that we still had privacy. In was nothing like the size of our Neverland home, but it was still quite large. Compared the our other home, it was definitely different. While Neverland was whimsical and fun, this house had a note of seriousness about it. The walls facing the ocean were glass, and instead of old Victorian, the furniture here was sleek and white - and hopefully little kid proof. It was very open here, and airy. I had always wanted to live on the beach, and Michael always loved beach houses so there wasn't much of a compromise during house hunting. In fact, the only this that we really disagreed on was whether or not the game room would be on the east side or the west.

"I think it's perfect." He said, kissing the side of my head. I leaned my head back on his arm as we sat, staring out at the waves crashing against the surf.

It was one of the rare days when neither of us had anything to do, especially Michael, so we decided to lounge around, exploring our new oasis. Liam was with Tiffy for a big portion of the day, either swimming or horse back riding, or anything that he really wanted to do. It still made me anxious when he was away, even with all Michael's security watching out for him, but he needed it. After all, this would be the third time he had moved within his short life. I felt horrible that he had to lose another home - even for just a short amount of time.

"I was thinking that we could put up some pictures here." I looked at the nearly blank walls. "It's a little too blank for my liking."

"I think that would be wonderful." Michael agreed. "This place needs a little of the Jackson/Rhodes magic before we can really call it a home."

"Rhodes?" I laughed. It had been a while since I heard my maiden name.

"Yes." Michael chuckled, "What's so funny?"

"It's just odd hearing it is all." I shrugged, leaning back against his arm. "I think I perfer Jackson."

I didn't even have to look at him to know he was grinning. "Well that's good to know. I gotta say I'm a little relieved." He shifted so we were closer. "It seems we have the whole day all to ourselves. What would you like to do, Mrs. Jackson?"

I thought for a moment, settling on just having a cozy day in. But before I could open my mouth the doorbell rang.

Michael and I looked at each other with surprise.

"Did you...?" I began, wondering if he had planned something.

He shook his head, shrugging. "I thought maybe you did."

"Nuh-uh." I shrugged, getting off the couch as I went to the front door.

Michael followed close behind, holding onto my shirt tail as I looked through the peep hole, grinning like an idiot when I saw who it was.

"Dan! Kate!" I opened the door. "What the heck! You didn't tell me you were coming over!"

"Well you wanted us to see the new house, plus what's family for if not to barge in at random times?" She joked, coming in to give me a hug.

"Hey, man, what's up?" Dan and Michael exchanged pleasantries as they shook hands.

"I've been good, Daniel. How have you been?" My husbands soft voice echoed through the doorway opening.

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