The Truth

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"Momma, can you open this for me?" Liam asked as he ran up with a jar of slime.

"Sure, baby." He handed me the jar as I twisted off the top.

"Daddy!" He screamed happily as the front door opened and then shut.

"Oh, hi, Blessing!" Michael grinned widely, extending his arms as Liam ran into them. "I've missed you." He stood up, hugging him tightly.

"Missed you too."

"Were you a good boy for Mommy while I was away?" He raised an inquisitive eyebrow, as he walked into the dining room.

"Yes." Liam giggled, his arms around Michael's neck. "Daddy, I wanna play army men now."

"We can in a little while, okay?"

"Okay." He pouted.

"Hi, Mommy." Michael grinned when he saw me.

And despite everything, I still smiled because I couldn't ever not when I saw him. It was automatic. I missed him.

"Hi," I said softly, leaning over the table to give him a kiss on then cheek. "How was your trip?"

"Long." He rolled his eyes. "Too long. Like usual. I'm tired."

"And hungry?"

He thought for a moment. "No, not really."

"Dang," I said dramatically, knowing Liam was listening. "That sucks. I was telling Liam all about how when you came home you'd eat some steamed broccoli, but he didn't believe me."

Michael turned towards me as if I was crazy, scrunching up his nose. "Oh really?" He said in a fake voice, playing along.

"Yup. I told him that dancers eat their vegetables aaaall the time. That's why they're so strong. Isn't that right, Michael?"

He nodded. "That's true. It's also why they have so much energy. Plus, vegetables are so good." He reluctantly grabbed a steamed one out of the bowl that sat in the middle of the table, popping one into his mouth. "Mmm... yum." He made a face.

I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh too hard.

"Mommy, can I have some broccoli?" Liam asked seconds later.

"Of course!" I handed him his bowl. "What made you change your mind?"

He shrugged, "I don't know."

Michael and I were silent as he left the room, and as soon as he was out of eye sight I handed Michael a cloth as he spit the green mush into it.

"I'm sorry, baby!" I laughed, "It's the only way he'll eat it! I've been trying to get him to eat some all day."

"Glad I could help." He made a disgusted face, wiping what he could off his tongue. "I'll never understand why people like those things."

I shrugged, putting one in my mouth. "I think they're good."

"That's gross, Emily." His eyebrows knitted together as he watched me with an amused and grossed out expression.

"Does that mean you won't give me another kiss?"

"It just might." He smirked, looking contrite.

"Mmhm." I called his bluff. "Please, Michael?" I asked with mock innocents as I circled around the table slowly. "Just one?"

He backed away, a large grin on his face. "What are you doing?"

"I just want to give you a kiss..." I said innocently, coming closer.

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