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"You are?!" Kate said excitedly into the phone. "Where? When!"

"Soon enough." I giggled. "As of where, I'm not really sure yet, but we're figuring it out."

"A second wedding..." she said to herself. "Is it going to be like your first one? Small and reserved?"

"No." I shook my head. "Michael and I agreed that we're going to go all out this time."

"All out?" I pictured her gaping. "This is so exciting!"

"Tell me about."

"Are you excited?" She asked energetically.

"Of course I'm excited to marry Michael again." I twisted the chord around my finger. "I'm just... overwhelmed with everything that's gonna need to be done is all."

"Well I could help." She offered.

"That's really sweet, sis, but this will be even more than you can take on. We already hired three different wedding planners."


"They're supposed to be the best in the world." I said matter-a-factly. "I guess they're from England, but they're going to be flying out here as soon as they can to start on all the details."

"Hmm..." She hummed. "Maybe I've heard of them. What's their names?"

"Mary Kay, Mary Jay, and Mary Austin —."

"You have The Three M's planning your wedding?!" She shouted. "Shut up! Do you know who they are, Em? They helped plan Princess Diana's wedding for Godsakes! This is huge!"

"Wow..." I bit the inside of my cheek. "It is."

"Emily!" She snapped me back to reality. "This may be the biggest wedding of the year."

"You think?" I asked, grabbing a bottled water from the fridge.

"Hmm... let's see here." She said with a sarcastic note in her voice. "The King of Pop getting married for the second time to the woman who revealed to him that he had a child. Oh! And a legendary wedding planning trio is flying from a whole other country to have a slice of this cake. So yes, I think it's a big deal, Emily."

"Okay." I laughed. "No need to be so snippy. I get it. This is going to be giant."

"It is." She agreed. "So what do you have planned so far? Color pallets? Seating arrangements? Venue? Anything?"

"Am I supposed to?" I asked guiltily. "I mean, isn't that what the Mary's are for?"

"Come on, Em, you have to have some idea." She prompted. "Please tell me you atleast know what kind of flowers you want for your bouquet...?" She grabbed for anything.

"Pretty ones?" I said softly.

"God, Em. You're going to kill me." She sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose with her fingers. "Those three woman are going to eat you up and spit you out. You want your own twist in this wedding too, don't you? Not just their idea of what you and Michael should have?"

"God, yes." I agreed, an idea popping into my head. "What if you plan the wedding on my behalf?"

Ever since we had moved back into Neverland, all felt right once more in the world. I had missed this house and the things surrounding it. And, for what felt like a long time - I felt content once again. It was a nice feeling. I didn't have to look over my shoulder every second anymore, and I could sleep in my own bed again.

I could tell that Liam was happy too. This was our home, and we missed it dearly. And on some level, I believed it missed us too.

The wedding - although huge - was something that I think Michael and I needed to do again. A refresher after all the things we had to deal with in the year prior, but also a time to just focus on one another too. One thing was decided though - we were going to go all out. It was going to be a wedding that the both of us dreamed of as children - because we owed it to ourselves to do something that was extravagant and everything we wanted - everything our families wanted too. And his fans. And the world, I suppose.

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