My Best Friend's Older Brother - Jaemin

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          Once again, you are walking with your best friend towards her house. This time, you got the excuse of doing the homework together. Indeed, it was a big one and it would be very convenient to do it with a friend, but it was not the only reason. Your best friend always asked why you prefer her house instead of yours when you have to do something together. You give a dozen of motives, but you omit the most important one for you: her brother.

          Jaemin Na. Your best friend's older brother. The first time you saw him got you shocked. He was incredibly handsome. It took you some time to finally get used to him and to be able to breathe next to him, but even so, now you can't hold yourself back from flirting with him. It became a habit. Or, better saying, it became a hobby.

          Despite the fact of seeing him often, you always considered Jaemin the unreachable type. He never flirted back. On the contrary, he simply laughs it off, not giving much attention to it. So, obviously, you never actually expected something from it. He probably thinks you are just another friend of his sister.

          You get to your friend's house and you two immediately go upstairs until her room to start the homework. A great part of it is finished for you by the afternoon, and after so many hours, you start to get thirsty. You go downstairs to take a cup of water and your lips grow in a smirk seeing Jaemin in the kitchen.

-I didn't know you were home. - You say getting in the kitchen. The dark scenario, due to all the lamps turned off except for the one from the extractor hood, didn't prevent him from seeing you coming.

-I've just arrived. - He says leaning on the counter as your back faces him. - What are you doing today? Homework again? - Jaemin asks and you nod, taking a sip of the water. Your eyes look firmly at him. He, as usual, looks handsome as ever. - How is my sister doing on school? Is she behaving well? - He crosses his arms with a teasing smile on his face. You chuckle with that question.

-Uhm... Do you want me to be your insider? I won't rat my friend out. - You joke and he chuckles. - I mean, I don't work for free. You could take me out for a dinner any day. - You say bending your head to the side looking at his eyes. Jaemin chuckles staring at you for a second.

-Calling me for a date this time? - He says opening his arms and resting them beside his body on the counter.

-If a dinner is too much, I accept a kiss too. - You say with a defiant tone.

-You're getting very bold with the flirting. - Jaemin laughs looking down.

-Am I? - You grin putting your cup in the sink.

          Looking at Jaemin again, you see him standing straight from the counter letting out a long sigh. You observe him walking towards you until he placed his hands on each side of you, pinning you at the counter. Your heart went to an unbelievable pace seeing him so close. Your eyes widened and your confidence quickly vanished away as his eyes checked your face out minutely.

-So, you want a kiss. From me. - He says in a deep tone as his eyes travel from yours to your lips.

          You instinctively lick your lips while your breathing gets unbalanced. A whole whirlwind of goosebumps came over you when you felt his hand cupping your waist and pulling you closer. You weren't expecting that someday he would really flirt back with you and now that it's finally happening, you don't know how to react. You freeze on your spot. Your lips feel like burning in excitement. Just by thinking on tasting his kiss, your mouth instantly salivates. Your body feels the heat from the proximity as he presses himself on you. He gets his face down and your noses brush against each other. Your heart hits your chest hardly like a beast trying to get free. Holding on his arm, you feel his toned biceps before lifting you head up. You close your eyes as your half-opened mouth reveals the desire inside you.

          Jaemin smirks, feeling you melting in his arms in a so given way. Your breathing was hot against his lips, and before you could take a step forward to close the gap between you, he swerves from your lips and places a soft kiss on your cheek. You open your eyes, holding back a whine from the disappointment inside you. Jaemin chuckles noticing your urge.

-Saturday, 8pm. The dinner is on me. - Jaemin says and pulls away, getting out of the kitchen and leaving you astonished. 

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