When You Feel Stressed - Jaemin

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-Can you take the trash out for me, please? I'm running out of time. I'm late. - You ask your dad who is sitting on the couch watching TV. He glances at you and turns his look back at the TV. You sigh and roll your eyes. 

          Checking your watch, you run to the kitchen and take the trash out. Running in again, you wash your hands and take your bag to go to the university.
          It's been like that since always. You live with your dad and you do everything alone. At first, you tried to talk to him to help you with the housework, but it just ended up in fights. You yelled at each other and in the end, you did the thing yourself. You are a little afraid of him because he is often drunk and sometimes he gets aggressive. Even though it made you upset, it was not the end of the world. But now it's different. You feel more stressed than you ever felt. The new semester on university is making you busier. You are not getting enough sleep and the housework is taking a lot of your time too. And if you don't do it, your father yells at you again. The only thing that is still giving you strength to keep going is your best friend Jaemin.
          You met Jaemin for the first time at the university. You soon grew closer and after 2 years, you two are inseparable. He always listens when you need to blurt out, the same way as you. You get to the college running like a crazy girl.
          You get in your class and your eyes quickly find Jaemin in the crowd. You sit next to him seeing his perfect and wide smile. 

-Good morning, runner. - He says and you chuckle. You take a deep breath, glad for getting in the class before the teacher shows up. 

-Good morning, Jae. - You say to him while opening your bag to take you notebook. 

-Did you have breakfast yet? - He asks seeing you all desperate trying to organize everything. 

-Actually no. I got late. I had to throw the trash away. As usual, my dad couldn't do it for me. He was very busy watching TV. - You say ironically. Jaemin shows a sad smile, already knowing everything about your daily life. 

-Here. I bought it for you. - Jaemin says and hands you a sandwich. You look up at his eyes with a confused expression. 

-Uhm... you can eat it, really. I don't want you to be hungry. - You say concerned. 

-I already ate. This one is for you. - He says pushing the sandwich in front of you. 

-Thank you, Jae. But how did you know I would not have breakfast? - You ask opening the plastic. 

-I guessed because you usually arrive early. I noticed you were late and thought you were in a rush. Then, I bought this. - He explains and you nod understanding. 

-Thank you. Really. You are the only one who saves me when no one does. - You say and he smiles looking at the front. Jaemin can notice these little details when not even yourself can. You eat the sandwich and the teacher arrives. 

          After your classes, you go to your internship. You and Jaemin stay there until 7PM doing a lot of work and sometimes things don't work as they should. 

-Well... It was a tiring day. - You say sighing and leaving the work with Jaemin. 

-Yeah. It really was. The boss was yelling at everyone. He must suffer with high blood pressure. - Jaemin says and you laugh. 

-I didn't even think about that. - You say and he smiles. 

          Suddenly, you receive a call. Looking at the screen, you stop for a moment thinking if you should answer it or not. Jaemin hears the cellphone ringing nonstop and looks at you. 

-Is it you dad? - He asks and you nod. Taking a deep breath, you answer. 

-Hello? - You say. 

-YOUR USELESS KID. I TOLD YOU I WOULD GET HUNGRY AND YOU DIDN'T LET MY DINNER READY. - Your father screams and it clicks in your head. You forgot to prepare the dinner for him. You slightly hit your head for having forgotten it. Jaemin just stands there waiting for you to finish. 

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