Divorce - Jaehyun

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        You sigh while entering the elevator. It looks like a lie when your heels crash aggressively on the marble floor making a loud sound on the big hall. It took time for you to take this decision, and even though your heart still feels tense, even worst than you are feeling now, is the way your marriage was declining.

          With an expensive and tight dress, you walk next to your lawyer. Yes, the dress must be expensive. You want him to see what he lost. You want to make him regret for all the nights he left you for for work. You are getting divorced, yes, but you are not a helpless woman who was let behind for your ex-husband. You are powerful enough to get out of an one-sided alliance.
          While you walk with all your rage inside your veins, you listen other pairs of shoes snapping the floor. Looking at your side, there he is. With a closed and serious expression, your not so long husband shows off a fancy black suit. Your heart bumps when his eyes meet with yours and you quickly look at the other side, proposedly sighing to express your anger with this situation. You hated the fact that your heart still reacts for him after so many fights you had these months. But you are already used to not be used to him. It's been like that since the beginning when you first met him, feeling chills on your skin, you rolled the alcohol on your glass while you saw him walking towards you to start a conversation for the first time at a bar, and then, your relationship started, and now, surprisingly, it's ending.
          Following you a little behind, Jaehyun checks you out, glancing at your dress which shows how beautiful and sculpted your body is. He furrows his eyebrows and looks at the other side like he has just tasted a bitter food. He is angry. Today, finally, he realized you were serious about the separation. Not that you weren't giving signals of it, but now it was real. You are walking ahead decided to sign that paper while he just follows you to fulfil the wish.
          Getting in the meeting room, your lawyer opens the door for you and leads you to get in with a hand on your waist. Jaehyun looks down at it bending his lips. You will not be his wife anymore in a few minutes, so he couldn't complain about jealousy now. He walks in after your lawyer, and his lawyer enters later. Sitting on the table in front of him, you avoid his gaze and review the documents again. Jaehyun crosses his hands in front of his face waiting for it to finish fast. The judge opens the door and enters the room making everybody look at him. 

-Good morning for you all. - The judge greets you and the tension can be felt by how you both just nod with your heads, not wanting to even respond him. - Before we sign the documents, I will give you some minutes to talk alone and make sure it's really the right decision for you. - The judges says and you quickly look towards him. 

-No need, your honor. I'm already sure of my decision. - You say decided, and Jaehyun glares at you intensely. Tightening his fist under the table, he sighs deeply waiting for the judge to talk. 

-I can feel that, Mrs. Jeong, but it's our protocol. It doesn't need to be too long if you don't want, but I must let you have a conversation in order to this serious decision. - He says and you roll your eyes looking at the side. You want it to be as quick as possible. You don't want to look at him anymore. You don't to be next to him and remember all the moments you had, or have doubts about your decision. - I'll come back in 15 minutes and we will proceed with the section if that's what you want. Excuse me. - The judge says and everybody gets out, except you and Jaehyun.

          You look up at him meeting his gaze already focusing on you. You lean your back on the chair and cross your arms in front of you. 

-So? - You shrug. - It's already clear to both of us, right? Let's just wait this 15 eternal minutes. - You say, wanting to affect him. He leans his back on the seat as well, putting his arm on the armchair and his finger between his lips. 

-Eternal? - He scoffs. - You want so bad to make it seem unbearable to be in a room with me? After all these years? - He asks and turns to look back at you. 

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