Bully - Johnny

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-Hey, did you hear about the new coffee shop next to the station? – Your friend asks while walking.

-Yeah, I did. People are saying it's cool there. – You say and she smiles widely.

-I know, right? Our friends are planning to drop by this weekend. Let's go? – She asks and you stop to think.

-Uhm... will Johnny be there too? – You ask and your friend rolls her eyes.

-Why? Will you try to avoid him there too? I've already told you you two should date already. – She says and you frown, with a grossed face.

-Are you nuts? Me, date Johnny? No way. – You say and she shakes her head with a smirk in her face. – I could never date a guy like him. Actually, I think he will die alone. He is so immature and annoying. UGH! Just thinking about him makes me angry. – You say raising your hands in the air as of you were strangling him, making your friend laugh.

-Speaking of the devil, look who is coming. – She says and you look at the end of the hall, seeing Johnny and his friends.

          He is always surrounded by people. Of course, he is very popular, and despite you not wanting to admit it, he is attractive. All the girls die for him, but you, on the other hand, want to kill him. Every time he passes by you, he finds a way to annoy you, and you don't know why. It seems like you have a huge target on your forehead.

          His eyes spot you walking in the opposite direction. His attention changes immediately, and now you know you can't run away because he is going to chase you.

-Y/n! Hadn't seen you there. Be careful. Someone might run over you by accident. You are too short. – Johnny says with a smirk.

-Ha. Ha. Very funny. – You say, hoping this is the only joke he will do for today.

-Good thing you brought the statistics book. – He says, stealing the book under your arm. – I always forget it at home. I mean, if I have really bought it. – He says and you click your tongue.

-Give it back, Johnny. Come on. – You say, but he raises it over his head.

-Try to catch it. – He says and you cross your arms, already losing all the little patience you own. – Maybe if you give me a kiss, I can give it back. – He says lowering his head closer to you. You slap him in the stomach with the back of your hand, making him back away.

-I prefer to choke on detergent. – You say with an ironic smile.

-Your lost. See you on the new coffee shop this weekend. Try to look at least a little cute or you won't ever find a boyfriend. – He says and ruffles your hair, making you groan in anger. Laughing, he walks away, leaving you behind.

          Picking on you is Johnny's favorite activity lately. It even made him come to the university every day. You're just too fun to mess with. You get angry with any silly joke he does, and it makes him want to annoy you even more. When he lays his eyes on you, he shines on excitement to test your cute short temper. Even though, he always takes care to not cross the line. Hurting you was never his goal, so he makes sure to always measure his strength when touching you or how he does it, even if other people don't really notice that, specially you.

          Later that day, you close your laptop after finishing the last assignment of the subject. It's late and there's no one in the library anymore. You take your things and leave by the front door, wondering what you would eat tonight.

          Passing by the back garden, looking ahead, you see two guys walking towards you. You know them. They hang out with Johnny sometimes. You gulp, instinctively getting a little scared, and unfortunately, your instincts were right when they stop in front of you, blocking your way out.

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