He Is Mine - Jeno

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-Hey, Y/n. Have you seen that girl over there? She is eating Jeno with her eyes. Like, staring at him like a creepy. – One of your friends say, and you turn your head to look at the girl.

That was true. There was a girl looking directly at Jeno with no shame. You chuckle, facing your friends again, taking a sip of your drink.

It's not a surprise for you that something like that is happening, specially at parties like this one. Jeno is always seek by girls anywhere he goes to, but that never worried you, because you know very well the type of boyfriend he is.

-She can look as much as she wants. He really is a good view to contemplate, but it's the only thing she will be able to do. – You say, and your friend laughs.

-Woah... I wish I could be like you, Y/n. I'm way too jealous of my man. Sometimes I keep wondering where he is going. And when I see some other chick flirting with him, I get crazy. – Your friend says, and you smile, watching Jeno from afar while he talks to his friends.

-Don't get me wrong. I'm jealous of him, but it's not because of his behavior. I trust him as my boyfriend, and I don't need to keep my eyes on him to know he is loyal. I know he only has eyes for me. – You say firmly and shrugging, as your friends clap their hands.

-Oh! Look at her! She went to talk to him! – Your friend says, and you quickly turn around.

You arch an eyebrow seeing the girl starting to talk to Jeno. The way she was trying so hard to flirt with him, throwing her hair, bending her head and smiling at him, made you roll your eyes. It was true that you trust him, but having a girl trying to get all over him just makes your blood boil.

Not enough to her to have Jeno shaking his head and avoiding her, your eyes widen when she dared to touch his shoulders, throwing her arms on him.

-Oh-Oh. Now Y/n got mad. – Your friend says, seeing the way your expression changed.

Jeno pushes her arm away, quickly turning around to look at you in your friends' circle. His eyes were like a puppy begging for help.

-Alright, I think I'll have to intervene this time. She must be a crazy one. – You say, and your friends glance at each other, enjoying a little bit the show.

You sigh deeply, calling Jeno with your finger. He immediately starts to walk towards you, leaving the girl behind with a confused gaze. Also walking towards him, you meet him midway.

-You saw it was not my fault, right? She can't take a no as an answer. – He says with a worried face, which always makes you laugh.

-Yes, I saw everything. And you know I trust you. – You say looking at his eyes, seeing him smiling. – I'm gonna take care of it.

Glancing at the other side of the place, of course the girl would be staring at you with an angry gaze, and that just makes it all fun to you.

Raising your hand, you put it in his nape, pulling Jeno for a kiss. Your lips brush on his before you open your mouth in a deep kiss. The girl widens her eyes, as her fists tighten in anger, watching that scene. Your nails scratch his skin and hair as your lips move against each other. You normally leave this type of kiss for when you are alone, but you must admit that this time this girl was able to get on your nerves.

Jeno's hands rest on your waist, letting you take the lead. He could feel your feeling of possession, which always brings chills to him. He wouldn't say in clear words, but he simply loves your way to prove to those girls he is yours.

You got taken away for a second, not even knowing if the girl was still watching. You pull away, pulling his bottom lip with your teeth, seeing a smirk on his face. Turning your head again, amazingly, the girl is still staring. You smile, raising your hand and showing her the ring on your finger, which Jeno had gave to you some time ago in a cute demonstration of his love for you and how serious he was about your relationship. In the same way, Jeno raises his hand too, showing his ring, making the girl stomp her feet and turn around, going away.

-I love when you are jealous. – Jeno whispers in your ear as you look at him again, leaving a peck on your lips and a kiss on your cheek.

-Enjoy the party, baby. If you need help again, just call me. – You say winking at him, and he chuckles, coming back to his friends. 

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